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Agmt 2004 ACWMA
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2004 ACWMA
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8/12/2009 11:42:33 AM
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8/12/2009 11:42:33 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2004-043
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addition we expect that participation rates will increase as residents become aware that they may <br />receive a bag of compost and win cash and prizes from San Leandro businesses for recycling <br />food scraps. Finally, by tying the resident's activities (placing food scrap in the yard waste <br />container) to a finalized product (compost), we hope to increase understanding of the recvclinq <br />process as an endless cycle. <br />4. Measurement: State the existing, pre-incentive monthly or annual disposal and <br />diversion tonnage and the anticipated post-incentive monthly or annual tonnage <br />that will result from the incentive offered. Describe how you are measuring pre- <br />incentive tonnage and how you intend to measure post-incentive tonnage. <br />The City of San Leandro receives monthly tonnage reports from Alameda County Industries. We <br />will compare pre- and post-praaram tonnage of both yard waste and garbage generated by <br />residents. We have approximately two years of historical data prior to beginning the food scrap <br />collection program and are able to adjust for seasonal variations. <br />5. Budget and Project Duration: How much money are you requesting for this incentive <br />program and over what period of time (max. 2 years)? <br />We anticipate that each event will occur twice in Fiscal Year 2004, and once in Fiscal Year 2005. <br />Therefore, we are requesting $91,852.00 over a period of two fiscal years. <br />6. Project Schedule: Indicate probable starting and ending dates, significant milestones, <br />and a realistic estimate of the time needed to complete the various tasks identified in the <br />project description. <br />We expect the events to be held in September 2003, April 2004, and September 2004. We <br />anticipate that the duration of each event will be six weeks. <br />7. Cooperative Efforts: Describe any cooperative or collaborated efforts with other <br />organizations. <br />Tandem Staffing in cooperation with Alameda County Industries (ACI) ,will do the majority of the <br />field work. The City of San Leandro staff will work closely with Tandem and ACI to monitor event <br />success and address problems or concerns. <br />Up to 25% of the amount approved by the Board may be available as an initial payment. <br />Propose a payment schedule that reflects project results/progress in implementation. <br />Payments shall not be requested more often than one time per month. <br />July 2003 $22,963.00 <br />February 2004 $44,444.50 <br />JuIV 2004 $24,444.50 <br />Page 6 <br />
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