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How will you obtain and/or track necessary financial and operating information for program <br />ement and reporting? If private vendors or contractors are providing the information, <br />manag <br />what steps will you take to verify or check the accuracy of the information. <br />Res onset <br />formation -Prepared using General Government Accounting Practices and Annual <br />Financial In <br />Audit. <br />rformance Measures -Contractor will be required to provide performance measurement <br />Pe orts to ACTIA. <br />reports as required in Quarterly Rep <br />ribe how services will be coordinated with other Measure B paratransit services and/or <br />Desc <br />aratransit services so that trips can be made throughout Alameda Coun y. <br />mandated ADA p <br />Examples of coordination may include (but are ninh areaa,tarrangpment ffor cl~ents to ide on <br />reciprocal agreements to provide trips into ad~oi g <br />r s stems, and transfer arrangements. Attach copies of agreements or memoranda of <br />othe y <br />understanding for coordination. <br />se: The Flex-Route Shuttle complements other area transit services in the following <br />Res on <br />ways: <br />Positive demand management strategy to free up space on EBP. <br />Act as a feeder for seniors and persons with disabilities to BART and AC Transit <br />Tanned outreach to ensure that potential users of the services (including coordinated <br />Describe p <br />services) learn about them. <br />7 <br />ERRORI UNKNOWN DOCUMENTEPROPERTY NAME AME. <br />Error) Unknown document property name. <br />Error) Unknown document property name. <br />