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~- - <br />r ~ z r <br />Exhibit C <br />Annual Process/Calendar for Paratransit Plan Development and Approval <br />• (~etober-November: City and ADA programs receive consumer input for their <br />upcoming paratransit plans <br />• .January: City Program Managers discress mid recommend non-mandated funds <br />formula (BSI's are not available until late February) <br />• March: Draft Cite and ADA prrogram plans are submitted to the paratransit <br />coordinator; PAPCO approves non-mandated formula <br />• April: PAPCO reviews draftparatransitplans. PAPCO's budget, staffing and work <br />plan are submitted to PAPCO for review and approval, then passed onto the ACTIA <br />Board for approval. <br />• April and May (or sooner, if necessary): .Measure B recipients get governing body <br />approval for their plans <br />• June: ACTIA approval (plans must be submitted by June 1 to proceed through the <br />ACTIA Administration/Legislation/Finance Committee and the ACTIA Board) <br />• .July: Measure B fund disbur°sal <br />011455.000]\6106]7.3 <br />D11455.DOD 1 \610617.3 <br />