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Whereas, these joint activities are in addition to a long standing relationship; and <br />Whereas, members of the San Leandro Unified School District Board and members of <br />the City of San Leandro City Council meet on a regular basis to exchange educational <br />ideas and discuss issues of mutual concern; <br />Now therefore, the City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Unified School District find <br />that it is mutually beneficial to continue and expand upon the collaborative partnership in <br />away that will reinforce and strengthen the learning process of school age children and <br />agree as follows: <br />1. JOINT VENTURE PROJECT. The City and the District agree to engage in a <br />joint venture project utilizing a science and environmental education specialty learning <br />center, the San Leandro Bayside Education Center, located at the Mulford-Marina Branch <br />Library. The specialty learning center will house a comprehensive, in-depth collection of <br />materials, resources and learning activities related to science, nature, and environmental <br />studies. The comprehensive collection will complement the curriculum of the school <br />district as part of this joint use cooperative agreement. This agreement is contingent upon <br />a newly constructed Mulford-Marina Branch Library with the necessary space and <br />equipment to conduct these activities. If the City fails to receive state funding to <br />construct the library and engage in the joint venture project, this agreement shall <br />terminate. <br />2. SCOPE OF COMMUNITY NEEDS AND NEW FACILITIES <br />A. Needs Assessment <br />The City spent considerable time developing a Needs Assessment with extensive <br />community input. The community asked the City to include the following elements in a <br />new library: <br />Increase the size of the Mulford-Marina Branch Library to meet the growing and <br />more diverse population. <br />• Improve Mulford-Marina Branch Library public space and work space to <br />adequately provide and deliver library services, materials, and programs to the <br />neighborhood. <br />Design Mulford-Marina Branch Library to support new services such as modern <br />technology, on-line electronic reference databases, and new media formats. <br />• Provide additional space for more books and materials, tables, chairs, computers. <br />• Provide computer and Internet access to the neighborhood. <br />• Ensure that Mulford-Marina Branch Library will meet current ADA standards and <br />building code compliance. <br />• Provide a meeting facility to accommodate a civic gathering place in the <br />neighborhood. <br />2 <br />