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NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL ADVANTAGES TO BE DERIVED <br />THEREFROM, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY OTHER <br />AGENCIES, each of the parties hereto does agree with each of the other parties as follows: <br />CREATION OF THE JOINT POWERS ENTITY <br />A Joint Powers Entity, separate and apart from the agencies signatory hereto, shall be and is hereby created and <br />shall hereafter be designated as the Local Agency Workers' Compensation Excess Joint Powers Authority <br />("Authority"). <br />2. FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTHORITY <br />A, The Authority is established for the purposes of administering this Agreement, pursuant to the Joint <br />Powers provisions of the California Government Code, and of providing the services and other items <br />necessary and appropriate for the establishment, operation, and maintenance of a joint group program <br />for "Workers' Compensation Excess" to benefit the "Members", and to provide a forum for <br />discussion, study, development, and implementation of recommendations of mutual interest regarding <br />other joint programs. <br />B. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTHORITY ARE: <br />(1) To provide a joint program and system, as described in this Agreement, the Bylaws, and the <br />Memorandum of Coverage and give to each "Member", of the Authority, "Workers' <br />Compensation Excess". <br />(2) To perform, or contract for the performance of, the financial administration, policy <br />formulation, claim service, legal representation, safety engineering, arid other development as <br />necessary for the payment and handling of all claims against "Members" reimbursable under <br />the "Workers' Compensation Excess". <br />(3) To pursue "Member's" right of subrogation against a third party when the Authority decides <br />such action is appropriate. <br />(4) To enter into contracts. <br />(5) To obtain insurance coverage for the "Members" and/or the Authority as determined <br />appropriate by the Board of Directors. <br />(6) To acquire, hold, and dispose of property, real and personal, all for the purpose of providing <br />the membership with the necessary education, study, development, and implementation of a <br />joint program of the "Workers' Compensation Excess" including, but not limited to, the <br />acquisition of facilities and equipment, the employment of personnel, and the operation and <br />maintenance of a system for the handling of the joint program. <br />(7) To incur debts, liabilities, and obligations necessary to accomplish the purposes of this <br />agreement. <br />(8) To receive gifts, contributions, and donations of property, funds, services, and other forms of <br />assistance from persons, firms, corporations, associations, and any governmental entity. <br />(9) To invest surplus reserve funds as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors and as <br />subject to law. <br />(10) To provide a forum for discussion, study, development, and implementation of <br />LAWCX AGkEEMENT (3/19/92 ed) June 1 S, 1992 2 <br />