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11. If the design of any site improvement in any phase requires encroachments <br />onto neighboring properties during construction, written agreements with <br />that property owner shall be submitted to the City Engineer, for review and <br />approval, prior to approval of the Final Map. <br />12. The vesting tentative maps are a general plan of development. All details <br />of construction, including, but not limited to, on-site pavement slopes, <br />pavement section design, illumination, drainage, etc., are subject to the <br />approval of the City Engineer. <br />13. Any existing concrete improvements, utilities, pipelines and other <br />appurtenant structures, that are to remain after development, if damaged <br />during construction, shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the City <br />Engineer. <br />B. STREETS & DRIVEWAYS <br />1. "No Parking" shall be designated between the driveways. Any existing <br />parking spaces in this location shall be eliminated. Any proposed striping <br />modifications on Washington Avenue and Castro Street shall be approved <br />by the Transportation Administrator. <br />2. The developer shall replace the existing curb and gutter, sidewalk and <br />handicap ramps along the entire project frontage along Washington <br />Avenue and Castro Street. The sidewalk shall be a monolithic sidewalk <br />with a minimum width of five feet. In order to mitigate the expected <br />impact due to the numerous excavations for utility lateral connections, the <br />developer shall reconstruct Washington Avenue and Castro Street to the <br />center of the roadway, and grinding two inches of the existing pavement <br />and applying a two inch asphalt overlay over the remainder of the <br />roadway. Final design and extent of the roadway reconstruction and <br />overlay shall be for the City Engineer's review and approval. <br />C. STORM DRAINAGE <br />1. Storm drainage service from the project shall be provided as directed and <br />approved by the City Engineer. The site shall be graded to increase runoff <br />flow over grassed and landscaped areas and to ensure no runoff onto <br />neighboring properties. <br />D. GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL <br />1. Prior to the approval of the first Final Map, the developer shall submit all <br />information including a Grading Plan accompanied by Soils Engineering <br />and Engineering Geology Reports, in the accordance with requirements of <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />