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the City of San Leandro Municipal Code Title VII, Chapter 12 and obtain <br />a grading permit. <br />2. The developer shall comply with the regulations and provisions contained <br />in the City's Grading Ordinance, the City's Storm Water Pollution <br />Prevention Permit, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination <br />System (NPDES), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Regional <br />Water Quality Control Board. <br />3. The project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) shall <br />include stormwater pollution prevention and control measures for the <br />operation and maintenance of the project during and after construction for <br />the review and approval by the City Engineer. The SWPPPs shall identify <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the uses conducted on- <br />site in order to limit to the maximum extent practicable the entry of <br />pollutants into stormwater runoff. <br />4. The plans shall also include erosion control measures to prevent soil, dirt <br />and debris from entering the storm drain system, in accordance with the <br />practices outlined in the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, <br />California Storm Water Best management practice Handbooks, and the <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board's Erosion and Sediment Control <br />Field Manual. <br />5. Until such time as all construction for the development has been <br />completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the developer shall <br />provide current Erosion & Sediment Control Plans, and amended SWPPPs <br />for all portions of the site where construction is ongoing. Said Plans shall <br />be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval on or before <br />September 1 of each calendar year, and shall be fully implemented on or <br />before October 15 of each calendar year. <br />E. WATER SYSTEM <br />1. Prior to approval of the Final Map for the project, the developer shall <br />submit signed agreements with EBMUD, for the construction of the <br />proposed water main connections. <br />F. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM <br />1. Sanitary sewer service to the project is proposed by connections to City <br />facilities. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the developer shall <br />evaluate the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer system and shall <br />identify any capacity deficiencies and required improvements to meet the <br />needs of the project. All required improvements are subject to the review <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />