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practices to reduce runoff, promote surface infiltration and minimize the <br />use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to stormwater pollution. <br />Landscaping and other surface features shall be located as not to impair <br />sight distance at driveways. <br />3. The developer shall plant ten street trees with City standard street tree <br />planting and staking within the project frontages along Washington <br />Avenue and Castro Street. The developer shall install grates and frames <br />on the tree wells; size, manufacturer and installation shall be per the <br />direction of the City Engineer or manufacturers recommendation. The <br />developer shall also maintain all proposed street trees in a healthy growing <br />condition for a period not less than three years after planting. Street tree <br />spacing and locations shall be approved by the City Engineer. Street tree <br />species shall be approved by the City Community Development <br />Department. <br />0 <br />Uchenna Udemezue, P.E., ity Engineer <br /> <br />Date <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />