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satisfied demand available from EBP and the information collected through the <br />stakeholder interviews and focus group sessions. <br />• Request historical EBP data <br />• Analyze available demographic data provided by City <br />B. Deliverable <br />Prepare memo of Task 3 for City review. <br />4. Identify potential service delivery options <br />Lead: Langille ($1,725) <br />A. Develop list of options. <br />Based on a review of current services and feedback from staff, consumers and <br />agency interviews, we will identify potential service delivery options. Options <br />would include, but not be limited to <br />• City-operated service <br />• Full administrative and operational integration into EBP <br />• City-administered option with one or more profit or not for profit service <br />contractors. <br />B. Develop evaluation criteria. <br />Criteria for a comparative analysis in Phase II would be developed and reviewed <br />with the City in a memo and meeting. <br />C. Determine July 1 delivery alternative <br />A recommendation for service delivery on July 1 would be determined, with the <br />expectation that the recommendation for service delivery may change upon <br />conclusion of Phase II. <br />DD Deliverable <br />A memo would be prepared outlining the service delivery options to be studied in <br />Phase II, the evaluation criteria to be used in selecting the ultimate service <br />delivery option, and a recommendation for seamless continuation of service on <br />July 1, <br />5. Prepare Measure B Paratransit Plan <br />Lead: Langille ($4,700) <br />A, Identify Year 1 services <br />Based upon Tasks 1-4, identify enhancements and expansion of service able to be <br />provided on July 1 under the recommended service delivery option and others that <br />could be phased in upon conclusion of the study. <br />B, Deliverable <br />Memo to City on Year 1 services and service delivery option. <br />2 of 4 <br />