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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 22A RENT REVIEW BOARD <br />Chapter 1 Rules of Operation <br />ARTICLE V - CONDUCT OF BUSINESS <br />§22A.1.500 RULES. Robert's Rules of Order, except where inconsistent with the express <br />provisions of law or these Rules of Operation or other resolutions of the Board, shall govern the <br />conduct of meetings of the Boazd. <br />~22A.1.505 HEARINGS. The hearings shall generally follow the format described below: <br />1. Chairperson opens hearing <br />2. Petitioner shall have up to five (5) minutes to present case <br />3. Questions from Boazd to clarify information or to obtain additional information from <br />petitioner <br />4. Respondent shall have up to five (5) minutes to present case <br />5. Questions from Board to clarify information or to obtain additional information <br />6. Chairperson closes hearing <br />7. Board deliberations <br />8. By consensus, Board develops findings and recommendations <br />9. Board records vote on findings and recommendations <br />The Board may at its discretion vary from this format in appropriate circumstances including but <br />not limited to increasing or reducing the amount of time a petitioner or respondent has to present <br />his/her case, and allowing for a spokesperson to speak on behalf of a group of petitioners. <br />&22A.1.510 ADDRESSING BOARD. Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her <br />name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and shall write the same on a <br />register. Each person shall state whether he/she is appearing in a representative or professional <br />capacity such as a landlord, tenant, etc., and shall state the name of the individual or organization <br />he/she is representing. Unless additional time is granted by the Chairperson, all remarks shall be <br />limited to five (5) minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any <br />individual member thereof. No person, other than members of the Board and the person having <br />the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of <br />the Boazd, except through the Chairperson, <br />03-18-02 - 3 - <br />