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11/19/01 16:04 FA.g 408 286 481 <br />. ..5... <br />SC CO LABOR RELATIONS <br />I~ 012 <br />11 <br />_ 15. Services to Non~Parties. Services may }~ provided non-parties consistent <br />with the terms and cvndikivns of this agreement; provided, that fees for <br />such serttic~s shall bn no less than the tees which would be charged a <br />party hereto; and provided further that, where appropriate, such non- <br />,.. party enters into an appropriate written agreemnt With the County for <br />and on behalf of the parties, services may also be provided to private <br />organi.zativns in accordance with policy established by the Executive <br />Board and consistent with the provisions of this section. <br />X6. Agency Cooperation. County shall act as agent for and on behalf of the <br />parties pursuant to this agreement and shall use its lest efforts consis- <br />tent with the fiscal limitations herein to perform as required herein, <br />subject to reasonable availability of required data. xhe parties shall <br />cooperate with each other aitd with County acting on behalf of a,].l in ~.pra~ <br />viding information required for performance under this agreement. ' <br />The Executive Board may establish and impose penalties, including expul- <br />sion, on any party faizing to comply with the terms of this agreement. <br />17. Contract Liability Indemnification Each party will assume all risks <br />associated with its use of services provided by the Cvunty~puzsuant to <br />this agreement and shall indemnify, hold harmless and, defend the County <br />and all other parties to the agreement from all claims fvr money or dar,Z- <br />ages arising Pram errors or omissions of the County or other parties to <br />.this agreement when providing employee relations services for the party <br />pursuant to Section 3 of this agreement. <br />].B. ,Fiscal ~e5ponsibilitY. Upon the termination of this agreement, County <br />shall render a final accounting to parties accurately reflecting in <br />accordance with accepted .accounting practices the revenues derived 'and <br />the direct expense$ incurred in performance a~ this agreement. If a <br />surplus in revenues de.-ived remains at the t'ermir~ativn of this agreement, <br />County shall refund such surplus to the parties on a pro rata basis~de- <br />termine3 by their respective nab-r~:rts for :;.=_:ic services hereunder. In <br />reliance upon the Fiscal accountability of the Controller of Ghe County <br />°''''~ of Santa Clara and his official bond, the <br />porkies e.cpressly waive any <br />separate bond DY County ~;nder this agreement. <br />