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Agmt 2002 San Leandro Management Organization SLMO
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2002 San Leandro Management Organization SLMO
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8/24/2009 5:12:39 PM
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8/24/2009 5:12:39 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2002-047
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2002
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insurance for a retiree living outside the service area of its medical insurance plans. The <br />contribution toward retiree insurance will continue, however. <br />The employer shall implement a Medicare risk plan, which shall be made available to <br />retirees at no cost to the City. <br />2.3 Dental (Active) <br />The City shall contribute a maximum of seventy dollars and eighty-seven cents ($70.87) <br />per month per active employee for current dental coverage provided by Delta Dental <br />Insurance Company. Any increases in dental insurance premiums during the term of this <br />Agreement shall be paid by the City. <br />No change in dental plan carrier, or level of benefits, shall be made unless agreed to by <br />the Management Organization. <br />2.4. Dental (Retiree} <br />The City shall contribute a maximum of seventy dollars and eighty-seven cents ($70.87) <br />towards monthly dental plan costs for each retired City employee who is currently a <br />member of the City's dental plan, or who was a member of the City's dental plan and <br />retired on or after July 1, 1983. Any increases in dental plan costs during the term of this <br />Agreement shall be split equally between the City and the retired employee. Coverage <br />shall continue until age 65. <br />No change in dental plan carrier, or level of benefits, shall be made unless agreed to by <br />the Management Organization. <br />2.5. Life Insurance <br />The City shall maintain in effect employer provided Term Life Insurance with AD&D in <br />the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). The insurance provider shall be <br />ReliaStar, unless the parties specify otherwise. The City shall make available for <br />employees, the ability to purchase additional life insurance, at no cost to the City, subject <br />to the requirements and rules of the insurance carrier. Such premium payments made by <br />the employee purchasing any voluntary life insurance shall be made on an after tax basis. <br />2.6. Long Term Disability Insurance <br />The City shall maintain in effect an employer paid long-term disability insurance <br />program with a benefit percentage of forty percent (40%) of base monthly earnings with a <br />maximum gross monthly benefit of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). The plan shall <br />provide a six month elimination period, benefits payable to age 65 with two years "own" <br />occupation and partial disability benefits. The City shall make available for employees, <br />the ability to purchase additional long term disability insurance, at no cost to the City, <br />
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