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Replacement Parking <br />RDA Cooperation Agreement 3 September 8, 2009 <br />Applicable General Plan Polic <br />6.07 Parking. Ensure that parking for downtown businesses remains convenient <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not Applicable <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is Categorically Exempt. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not Applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not Applicable <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Office of Business Development has been in contact with tenants of the office buildings on <br />Callan Street, Wells Fargo Bank, as well as Downtown business and property owners, regarding <br />replacement parking during demolition and construction of the new parking lot. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The total cost of the Davis/Hays Replacement Parking and Albertsons Replacement Parking <br />project is $245,000, including staff time, surveying costs, and testing. <br />Budget Authority <br />• The City and the Agency have agreed to execute a Cooperation Agreement to provide <br />funding for the projects <br />• The Albertsons Replacement Parking lot will be funded with $180,000 from the existing <br />appropriation in the Estudillo/Callan 2008 Parking Garage account, Account No. 962-86- <br />067, which was transferred into the Albertsons Replacement Parking account, Account No. <br />962-86-070. This account was funded with Joint Project Area 2008 Tax Allocation Bond <br />proceeds <br />