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FY2008-2009 CAPER -3- September 21, 2009 <br />in additional Redevelopment Set-Aside funds in Apri12009 for the loan program. The City's <br />FTHB Program is funded solely with Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside Funds. <br />• In FY 2008-09, Bay Area Homebuyer Agency (BAHBA) conducted two (2) City-sponsored <br />and free first-time homebuyer education seminars. BAHBA awarded ninety-nine (99) <br />certificates of completion to households attending each of the entire seminars. Through <br />BAHBA the City provided free one-on-one homebuyer counseling to twenty-three (23) <br />households [of which eighteen (18) were low- to moderate-income] who were San Leandro <br />residents and/or employed in the City. <br />• BAHBA also worked with City staff to conduct the first ever Employer Forum in San Leandro <br />in March 2009. The Employer Forum invited major employers in San Leandro, Alameda, and <br />Hayward to learn more about homeownership opportunities for their employees in the current <br />housing market and the local homebuyer programs in each of the three cities. BAHBA also <br />coordinated with City staff to conduct the first Realtor/Lender Workshop in San Leandro in <br />May 2009 to educate local realtors and lenders about the City homebuyer programs and how to <br />market the programs to their clients. The Realtor/Lender Workshop will become an annual <br />event. <br />• Inclusionary Housing Program <br />In FY 2008-09, only one (1) new inclusionary housing unit, which was restricted for a low <br />income homebuyer, was sold. This unit was in the Cherry Glen subdivision. h1 addition, one <br />(1) existing moderate income inclusionary home in the Cherrywood subdivision was resold <br />to an income eligible homebuyer. <br />Priority: Reduce housing discrimination. <br />• Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO) <br />The City continued to contract with ECHO Housing, a regional non-profit fair housing agency, <br />to provide fair housing services using CDBG funds. ECHO received twenty-two (22) fair <br />housing inquiries. ECHO educates people about fair housing laws, rights, and responsibilities <br />using various methods. <br />• ECHO provided information, counseling, and/or investigation for twenty-two (22) fair <br />housing inquiries or allegations of housing discrimination. Of this number, ECHO <br />provided counseling and investigative services in fifteen (15) cases involving thirty-two <br />(32) clients. With some cases reporting more than one type of discrimination, the <br />allegations accounted for the following: nine (9) cases involved race, four (4) involved <br />disability, two (2) involved mental disability, and one (1) involved familial status <br />(children in the family). Below were the outcomes: <br />• Three (3) cases are pending [one (1) case was referred to the California Department <br />of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), and one (1) was referred to Bay Area <br />Legal Aid]; <br />• Three (3) clients dropped their complaints due to insufficient evidence; <br />• Seven (7) cases have insufficient evidence; and <br />• Two (2) cases were closed by ECHO. <br />• ECHO's fair housing counselors conducted fourteen (14) fair housing training sessions: <br />^ Two (2) sessions for fifty-four (54) landlords and property managers; <br />