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Process for Termination of Housing Assistance: The Contractor may terminate assistance to a <br />program participant who violates program requirements, and may also resume assistance to a program <br />participant whose assistance was previously terminated. In terminating assistance to a program <br />participant, the program must provide a formal process that recognizes the rights of individuals <br />receiving assistance to due process of law. This process, at a minimum, must consist of: <br />(1) Written notice to the program participant containing a clear statement of the reasons for termination; <br />(2) A review of the decision, in which the program participant is given the opportunity to present written <br />or oral objections before a person other than the person (or a subordinate of that person) who made or <br />approved the termination decision; and <br />(3) Prompt written notice of the final decision to the program participant. <br />4. Housing Inspections and Rent Reasonableness: <br />Under the HPRP requirements, certain housing units that are subsidized, whether the household has <br />lived there previously or is moving into a new unit, must be assessed for the presence of lead-based <br />paint. Any unit built before 197$, in which children under the age of six will be residing, must have a <br />visual inspection by a certified inspector for lead paint hazards. <br />In addition, housing to which households are moving as part of the HPRP program (whether assisted <br />with deposit, short-term or medium term rental assistance) must be inspected for habitability. This <br />standard shall be the HUD Housing Quality Standard (HQS) used in other HUD funded programs. <br />All units assisted with HPRP funds must rent for a reasonable rent, as determined by following HUD's <br />guidance to determine rent reasonableness. The Contractor must either conduct inspections and <br />determine rent reasonableness or must contract for these services with a qualified entity. <br />5. Housing Relocation and Stabilization Assistance <br />The Contractor may provide services for up to 18 months to assist client households with achieving <br />housing stability and placement. Services that may be provided directly using HPRP funds include: <br />a. Case mana e~ rnent: Activities for the arrangement, coordination, monitoring, and delivery of <br />services related to meeting the housing needs of program participants and helping them <br />obtain housing stability. Component services and activities may include: counseling; <br />developing, securing, and coordinating services; monitoring and evaluating program <br />participant progress; assuring that program participants' rights are protected; and developing <br />an individualized housing and service plan, including a path to permanent housing stability <br />subsequent to HPRP financial assistance. Recertification of eligibility every three months for <br />those receiving medium term financial assistance is also considered a case management <br />activity. <br />Ex. A: Contractor's Scope of Work Page 3 of 6 <br />