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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Site Description <br />This Project is located on the San Leandro Shoreline and on the Bay Trail levee in the San Francisco Bay, <br />adjacent to the San Leandro Shoreline Marsh. The Bay Trail runs approximately 1.3 miles south along the <br />Bay from the San Leandro Marina, along the west side of Tony Lema Golf Course and North Marsh, and <br />then turns east for about 450 yards over an interior levee that separates North Marsh and Bunker Marsh, to <br />abridge over the excavated channel that connects Citation Marsh with San Francisco Bay. The scope of <br />the project is to repair damage to a total of ten areas that were damaged during severe storms in late 2005 <br />and early 2006. <br />Due to the requirements associated with the presence of federally -listed species, a qualified, Service- <br />approved biological monitor must be present on site during all activities related to the project. <br />This CSA amendment supersedes prior CSA dated xx for the project. <br />Scope of Services <br />The scope of services required of consultant is consistent with regulatory agencies' permit requirements, <br />which provides for biologist observation of all construction activities. The scope of services includes the <br />following tasks: <br />Task 1.1 Pre and Post Construction Photodocumentation and Reporting <br />Consultant's biologists will establish designated photopoints for each construction site (2-3 vantage points <br />per site). Representative photographs will be taken prior to the start of construction to document existing <br />conditions. After construction and restoration activities, representative photographs at the designated <br />photopoints will be taken to demonstrate the sites have been restored to pre-project conditions. <br />Consultant's biologists will compile the preconstruction and post-construction photos into a report and <br />submit to the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) within 30 days of project <br />completion. <br />Task 1.1 Deliverables: Preconstruction establishment of photopoints and photographs of preconstruction <br />site conditions. Post-construction photographs at designated photopoints. Draft photo documentation report <br />to be provided to the City for review and comment. Final photo documentation report to be provided to the <br />RWQCB. <br />Task 1.2 Construction Kick-off Meeting and Worker Environmental Training <br />The Consultant will conduct akick-off meeting and environmental awareness training to introduce the <br />contractor to the conditions and requirements of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s May <br />2006 Programmatic Biological Assessment (PBA) and Biological Opinion (BO) of United States Department <br />of the Interior -Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The kick off meeting and training will discuss the <br />project's environmental requirements and highlights specific resources such as required preconstruction <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Pr. No. 09-147-42-148 <br />City of San Leandro and ESA Exhibit A Page 15 <br />