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8B Consent 2009 1019
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Packet 2009 1019
8B Consent 2009 1019
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10/16/2009 9:52:34 AM
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10/16/2009 9:52:33 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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surveys, protective measures, required monitoring and protocols to be implemented if a sensitive species is <br />encountered during construction. Consultant's Service-approved biologist will conduct the training at the <br />appropriate location. <br />Task 1.2 Deliverables: One kick-off meeting and environmental awareness training with all construction <br />personnel and City staff. Preparation of meeting materials, handouts and sign-in sheets. <br />Task 1.3 Biological Monitoring and Reporting <br />The biological monitor will monitor all activities to ensure that nofederally-listed species is harassed, killed, <br />or injured and to ensure that the project otherwise conforms to the conservation measures outlined in the <br />PBA. The biological monitor will advice City staff to stop any aspect of the project that would result in <br />unauthorized take of a federally -listed species. <br />The biological monitors in the field will provide daily notification to the Construction Management Team <br />regarding compliance issues at the project work sites. The biological monitors will also ensure <br />environmental training logs, daily monitoring logs, photo documentation, and technical memorandums (if <br />necessary) will be provided to the City and the Construction Management Team. <br />Task 1.3 Deliverables: Daily monitoring by aService-approved monitor. Preparation of daily monitoring <br />logs and reports, coordination with Construction Management Team and City staff, including meeting <br />attendance. <br />Task 1.4 QAIQC and Project Management <br />Under Task 1.4 Consultant will coordinate with City staff and maintain quality assurance and quality control <br />(QA/QC) for the duration of construction monitoring. Tasks anticipated include, but are not limited to, <br />agency (USFWS) approval of monitoring biologists, review of daily monitoring logs, agency coordination if <br />species occur within project boundary, coordination with the City of San Leandro staff if out of compliance <br />situations occur, scheduling and maintaining appropriate levels of monitoring staffing and preparation of <br />final construction monitoring report. <br />Task 1.4 also includes all Consultant's project management responsibilities. Each month, Consultant will <br />prepare a concise progress report summarizing effort and budget spent in the period to date, budget <br />remaining, key work completed, and key upcoming tasks. The progress report will also include <br />recommendations to respond to schedule and scope of work issues. Also included under Task 1.4 is <br />coordination with the City if additional monitoring is required or if contingency funds are needed. <br />Task 1.4 Deliverables: Daily and weekly review of compliance monitoring reports. Preparation and <br />submittal of final compliance reports to the US Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps), USFWS and <br />RWQCB. Coordination with biological monitors, construction management team, City of San Leandro and <br />state and federal resource agencies (if required}. Monthly invoices and progress reports, schedule <br />management, and coordination with the City as needed. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Pr. No. 09-147-42-148 <br />City of San Leandro and ESA Exhibit A Page 16 <br />
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