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o Bay Trail Shoreline Riprap Repairs <br />• Upcoming Construction <br />o Downtown Garage <br />^ Design being completed <br />^ Garage construction moved to summer of 2010 <br />o Temporary parking lot construction <br />^ Contract awarded on September 8 <br />^ Completion at the end of 2009 <br />Discussion ensued. Councilmember Reed asked why the construction date of the garage <br />was moved. Keith Cooke explained the change was to accommodate a TIGER Grant <br />application, and if the garage did not receive the grant, the date will be moved up. Staff <br />will know by February, 2010. Steve Hollister stated that if the grant is approved, it will <br />also free up $12 million in redevelopment funds. <br />Councilmember Reed expressed concern for the construction on the Washington Avenue <br />off-ramp and the complaints that are coming from residents. Ken explained that staff <br />looked at various alternatives but this alternative addresses the neighborhood concerns <br />and it is something that will be in place through completion. There is only so much night <br />construction that can be done, as the ramp has to be closed. <br />Mayor Santos would like the monument at the Senior Center to recognize former Vice <br />Mayor Grant and former Mayor Young. Discussion ensued. Ken explained that a proof <br />copy of the monument text would be routed before anything is completed. <br />Councilmember Souza stated that there should be a protocol to follow rather than just <br />picking who should be included. Mayor Santos stated that he also wants Bill Lockyer <br />recognized on the monument at the Bay Trail and asked staff to make that happen. <br />Councilmember Souza asked for some clarification on the procedure. Mayor Santos <br />stated that nothing is going to change. The monument name list decision should be <br />handled by the Facilities Committee and does not need to go to the City Council for <br />approval. <br />3. Discussion Regarding WPCP Rehabilitation Project Costs <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the WPCP Rehabilitation Project <br />costs. Ken explained that there are currently two active construction projects; Waste <br />Activated Sludge Thickening and Cogeneration Facilities and the large rehabilitation <br />project was proceeding in design. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the property acquisition involved in the project and the costs <br />involved. Mike Bakaldin discussed the Wastewater Rate Study and explained that it is <br />the goal of staff to keep the project under a $47 million level. Councilmembers Souza <br />and Reed wanted clarification that residents would not be approached for a tax increase <br />or new bond measure. Mike explained that residents are billed based on single family <br />dwellings and industrial properties to finance a bond measure and that rates would <br />increase under the new proposal. He explained that the way rates are calculated would <br />