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Shoreline CAC <br />July 29, 2009 <br />Meeting Highlights <br />Page ~4 <br />• Group 2 also explained that it intended the floating restaurant could include a <br />night club component. <br />• A member of one of the groups recommended that the marina and the boats <br />be retained in the future master plan. <br />• A hotel conference center needs restaurants and office development to <br />support it. <br />• A hotel conference center should be situated and designed to take full <br />advantage of the most valuable features of the site which are the water and <br />the views. <br />• Enhancing the golf courses and the parks should be considered with the <br />development of the conference center. <br />• Residential development should be considered. It would bring 24-hour <br />population to the area which would provide security and activity. <br />• 40 acres is a lot of land area to integrate in a cohesive plan. <br />• Any parking structure should be a last resort since they are very expensive <br />structures and there appears to be a lot of parking spaces in the existing <br />opportunity area. <br />• In the current recession (poor economy) the credit marketllenders have little <br />or no money for parking structures. <br />• A member explained that there are some people in the community that do not <br />want to see residential development in the shoreline area. The reason is there <br />is a philosophy by some that shoreline development and amenities has to be <br />for the general public and not specifically for residents. <br />• Another member clarified that the shoreline is considered public land and <br />should be not be developed for people to call home. It should be shared by <br />the public. <br />• The more uses that can be conceived for the future master plan; the better off <br />this project will be. <br />• A group asked how the project should be phased. The hotel conference <br />center would likely be the core development project, then the restaurants and <br />office development should be the phased thereafter. The important thing is to <br />have a master plan that specifies this. With the current poor market conditions <br />the development of the shoreline could be along term project. If the <br />restaurant and the offices cannot be developed immediately the plan would <br />designate the sites for the purpose of restaurant or office development. <br />• Group 2 explained that its proposal intended to retain small water crafts. It <br />wants the small recreation crafts to be an attribute and enhance the feeling <br />for people being along the shoreline by seeing the boating activities. <br />• Group 2 also explained that speaking from experience it has observed that <br />more parking will need to be provided for the future plans because when <br />there are Sundays with very nice outdoor weather, a golf tournament taking <br />place, the entire shoreline parking areas are full. In addition the shoreline is <br />not easily accessible by taxi from the airport, the bus comes along only every <br />one-half hour and BART is approximately two miles away. <br />• The developer noted the concerns and cited some creative ideas in other <br />communities. In Georgia there is a residential development that was designed <br />