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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: November 9, 2009 <br />TO: Steve Hollister, City Manager <br />FROM: Luke Sims, Community Development Director <br />BY: Sally Barros, Senior Planner <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />.. ~~~~ <br />Stephen L. Hollister <br />City Manager <br />MATTER OF A WORKSESSION TO REVIEW THE DRAFT CLIMATE ACTION PLAN <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />This report is for information only, and no action is required. The purpose of this worksession is <br />to allow Council to begin its review of the Draft Climate Action Plan and to take public <br />comment. <br />BACKGROUND <br />On February 5, 2007 the San Leandro City Council adopted a goal to reduce its greenhouse gas <br />(GHG) emission levels 25 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. This goal is consistent with AB <br />32, the emission reduction goal established by the State of California. Using the International <br />Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEIJ Cities for Climate Protection Campaign <br />project, the City is currently developing programs to achieve this goal through the creation of a <br />Climate Action Plan (CAP). The City completed a greenhouse gas emissions inventory utilizing <br />the software protocols provided by ICLEL The CAP will be scheduled for City Council adoption <br />in December 2009. <br />In June 2008, the City received a $40,000 grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management <br />District (BAAQMD) to assist with the development of the CAP. The grant has covered the <br />contract for KEMA, an energy consulting firm, to complete quantitative analysis of the measures <br />that the City is considering and to put together this draft CAP. The grant has also funded apart- <br />time Climate Action Intern. <br />Since the Council last received an update (October 2008), the work on climate protection has <br />been focused on investigating new ways to decrease greenhouse gas emissions within the City's <br />municipal operations, developing programs with the Municipal Climate Protection Task Force <br />("Task Force"), and engaging with the public on both private and public efforts for sustainability. <br />In April 2009, the City launched a public speaking tour about Climate Protection, soliciting <br />