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WHEREAS, the federal government started distributing H1N1 vaccines at the beginning <br />of October 2009 to the California Department of Public Health for allocation to local distribution <br />points, including the Alameda County Department of Public Health; and <br />WHEREAS, there will not be sufficient vaccine initially to vaccinate all residents of <br />Alameda County, and vaccine was first allocated by Alameda County for administration to <br />priority target populations on November 1, 2009 to minimize the spread of H1N1 Influenza and <br />to reduce the potential for morbidity and mortality from the virus; and <br />WHEREAS, it is essential that the public be informed about the H1N1 Influenza, the <br />need to observe hygiene and other practices to prevent the spread of the virus, the vaccines, the <br />vaccination program, and the importance of receiving a vaccination when vaccine becomes <br />available for each target population; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro, along with undertaking public messaging efforts <br />regarding the H1N1 Influenza and ways to prevent its spread, has agreed to host a public <br />vaccination clinic in cooperation with the Alameda County Department of Public Health; and <br />WHEREAS, the H1N1 Influenza constitutes an epidemic under Section 8558(c) of the <br />Government Code that is likely to be beyond the control of services, personnel, equipment, and <br />facilities of Alameda County and requires the combined forces of other political subdivisions to <br />combat; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 8630 of the Government Code empowers the governing body of a <br />city to proclaim the existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be <br />affected by a public calamity as described above. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that a local emergency now exists in the city of <br />San Leandro and that a said local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its <br />termination is proclaimed by the City Council of the City of San Leandro. <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local <br />emergency the powers, functions and duties of this City shall be those prescribed by state law, by <br />ordinances and resolutions of this City, as approved by the City Council. <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City Manager, the Finance <br />Director and the Captain of Police Bureau of Services are thereby designated as the authorized <br />representatives of the City of San Leandro for the purpose of receipt, processing, and <br />