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Reconsideration and Approval of a Public <br />Information Program on the City's Financial <br />Situation and Possible Revenue Measures 2 November l 2, 2009 <br />The Finance Committee's recommendation to conduct a Public Information Program was <br />reported out at the City Council's November 2, 2009, meeting. At this meeting the formations of <br />the Citizens Budget Task Force was also approved. There was discussion, both at the approval <br />of the Citizens Budget Task Force and at the report out on the Public Information Program <br />recommendation, on the roles and sequencing of these two actions. Unfortunately, the City's <br />Revenue and Communication consultant was not in attendance to clarify the purpose and <br />benefits of the Public Information Program, as staff believed that this matter would be fully <br />considered at the November 16 meeting. Consultant Catherine Lew will be present at tonight's <br />meeting. In staff's opinion, the roles and reasons for each of these actions became mixed and <br />muddled, rather than being separate and complementary to the City's outreach for public <br />information and citizen feedback. As a result, the Council postponed consideration of <br />authorizing the Public Information Program until the Citizens Budget Task Force presented a <br />recommendation in mid- December. As a result, I requested that the Mayor (the maker of the <br />postponement motion) allow the Council to reconsider this matter. <br />Analysis <br />The Public Information Program consists of the following characteristics: <br />• Three informational mailings to the community providing factual information on the <br />City's financial situation. <br />• The first mailing scheduled for early December would specifically provide a feedback <br />form; this mailing would allow adequate time for responses to be returned, analyzed and <br />considered. <br />• The program and material would be reviewed by the City Attorney. <br />• The program costs are now estimated at $61,000 - $41,000 for mailings and $20,000 for <br />consulting services. <br />• The program is complementary to, but separate from, other public information and <br />feedback activities, such as the Citizens Budget Task Force and stakeholder holder <br />meetings. <br />• Public Information Programs are a proven and effective method of educating the <br />electorate on a municipality's financial situation, possible consequences and alternatives. <br />• City staff does not have adequate expertise or resources to conduct Public Information <br />Program. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />At the November 2, 2009 meeting, the City Council received a Finance Committee <br />recommendation to approve a Public Information Program on the City's financial situation and <br />possible revenue measures. The Council discussed the recommendation and deferred a decision <br />until the newly formed Citizen's Budget Task Force made a recommendation following their <br />December 16 meeting. <br />