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CITY OF S AN LEANDRO <br />CLTRP.ENT YEAR INTERI~T4L CONTROL COlVI1VIENTS <br />JUNE 30, 2005 <br />GEN/ER4L <br />Cotntnent <br />Based on the results of our audit we found that liabilities recorded on-the City's financial statements were free <br />from any material misstatement. However, during our audit we found instances «rhere expenditures should have <br />been accrued at year end, but were not. Subsequent to our field work, the City did post adjusting journal entries <br />to correct these omissions. <br />Recorrtmendation <br />hZanagement should consider performing an additional revie~~~ of disbursements made subsequent to year end, as <br />part of the year end closing process. This would help ensure that all necessar_Y liabilities are accrued and <br />disclosed in the financial statements. <br />JOTJRNAL ENTRIES <br />~Carnrnerzt <br />During our testing of the City's internal controls, we noted that there are no formal written policies for the <br />approval of non routine journal entries. There is an un«~ritten policy that all journal entries are to be reviewed by <br />finance department personnel, but the documentation we reviewed for 2 entries did not show evidence of a <br />review. (i.e. no sing off by reviewer) <br />recommendation <br />The journal entry process is a critical element to maintailiing accurate accounting records, and the ability for <br />multiple individuals to prepare, and in effect; post them to the general ledger, without centralized independent <br />review, creates a situation that leaves the City vulnerable to error and\or fraud. Although we found no instances <br />of errors or-fraud in our testing, we suggest that management develop formal written policies related to the <br />journal entry process to include a more centralized process for authorizing journal entries before posting. <br />