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Ranked Choice Voting 2 December 7, 2009 <br />passed on to the cities as well. The draft cost-sharing MOU has been reviewed by the City <br />Attorneys of the three cities and the Alameda County Counsel. <br />The first election using RCV is estimated to cost $170,000, as the MOU would require the City <br />to pay the full $42,000 system cost with the first use. By contrast, the cost of a traditional <br />general and runoff election would be approximately $125,000. In subsequent elections, the cost <br />of an RCV election would be less than the cost of holding a general and runoff election, and the <br />RCV system cost would be recouped by the third election cycle. If RCV is used beginning with <br />the 2010 election, an estimated $30,000 savings per election cycle would be realized by the 2016 <br />election. <br />Cost of 2010 Election <br />Without RCV <br />$75k June General Election <br />SOk November Runoff Election <br />$125k Total <br />With RCV <br />$42k City's share of Sequoia RCV system <br />$lOk Mailed notification to voters re: change of election date <br />$ l Ok Firmware upgrade <br />$32k 2"d ballot card plus postage <br />$6k Additional poll worker at each polling place <br />$20k Voter education and outreach <br />SOk ROV election administration costs <br />$170k Total <br />Cost of Future Elections <br />Without RCV <br />$75k June General Election <br />November Runoff Election <br />$125k Total <br />With RCV <br />$32k 2"d ballot card plus postage <br />$lOk Ongoing voter education and outreach <br />$SOk ROV election administration costs <br />$92k Total <br />Cost After 3 Elections <br />Election Year Without RCV With RCV <br />2010 $125k $170k <br />2012 $125k $92k <br />2014 125k $92k <br />$3'15k Total $354k Total <br />