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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: November 17, 2009 <br />TO: Steve Hollister, City Manager <br />FROM: Perry Carter, Interim Finance Director ,~' <br />BY: Mary Ann Perini, Budget & Compliance Manager <br />SUBJECT: Review of Major General Fund Revenues - ls` Quarter 2009-10 <br />Attached for your review is an analysis of major revenue accounts for the General Fund for the <br />first quarter of 2009-10 (July through September). The purpose of the review is to provide an <br />early look at key General Fund revenues for 2009-10, and how they are being impacted by <br />current economic conditions. <br />The schedule, Attachment A, presents operating revenue information for the General Fund for <br />prior years, current year and subsequent updates. The following is a description of what each of <br />the seven columns represents (from left to right): <br />• 15` column -actual revenues for the fiscal year 2007-08 <br />• 2°a column -actual revenues for the fiscal year 2008-09 <br />• 3~d column -adopted budget - revenues for the current fiscal year 2009-10 (column a) <br />• 4`~' column -the July 2009 updated revenue projections for current fiscal year (column b) <br />• 5`h column -variance to budget from the July 2009 update (column c) <br />• 6~' column -updated revenue projections for the current fiscal year (column d) <br />• 7`h column -variance, positive or negative, between the July 2009 Revised 2009-10 <br />Budget and the Updated Revenue Projections for 2009-10 (column e). <br />A quick look at column (e), the Variance column, indicates that the General Fund will <br />experience an additional revenue shortfall for 2009-10 of approximately $2.0 million. Three <br />main revenue sources account for the projected revenue decline. These key revenues are briefly <br />discussed below: <br />• Property Tax - in July staff reported to the Finance Committee that the 2009-10 <br />Property Tax revenue budget was being reduced from $17.255 million to $16.8 million. <br />The revised estimate recognized lower than expected Property Tax revenue received in <br />2008-09. Subsequent to the July update, staff has received and reviewed assessed <br />valuation information from the County for 2009-10. Unfortunately, the news is not good. <br />Property Tax revenue continues to decline. Based on this most recent information, staff <br />is reducing the Property Tax revenue from $16.8 million to $16.4 million; a further <br />reduction of $400,000. <br />