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MINUTES Page 6 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-November 16, 2009 <br />• Resolution No. 2009-153, Resolution Declaring a Local Emergency Within the <br />City of San Leandro Due to the Threat to the Public Health from the H1N1 <br />Influenza Virus (enables the City to be eligible for California Disaster Assistance <br />Act funds for expenses incurred in responding to the health emergency). (2648) <br />M/S/C Prola and Souza. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />C. Matter of Reconsideration and Approval of a Public Information Program on the City's <br />Financial Situation and Possible Revenue Measures (provides for a program to advise <br />citizens of the City's fmancial situation, resulting impacts and possible revenue <br />measures, and to obtain citizen feedback). <br />City Manager Hollister commented on the reasons for bringing this matter back for <br />reconsideration of the Council's previous direction. He described the proposed <br />informational program to inform the community of the City's fmancial situation. Mr. <br />Hollister requested that the Council rescind its prior direction and direct staff to proceed <br />with the public information program, which would solicit community input. <br />Councilmember Reed asked if the Ad Hoc Citizens' Budget Task Force meetings and <br />the public information program would be happening at the same time. Mr. Hollister <br />stated that the primary role of the Task Force is to prioritize City services and <br />recommend potential budget cuts, and several budget-related activities will be occurring <br />at the same time. <br />Councilmember Stephens asked why a ballot measure is being discussed. Mr. Hollister <br />indicated that, while no decision has been made to place a measure on the ballot, the <br />recent Godbe poll showed strong community support for both a Landscape and Lighting <br />Assessment District (CLAD) and'/4 cent sales tax. <br />Katherine Lew of the Lew Edwards Group stated that while no measure has been placed <br />on the ballot, the survey has provided an indication of support for a measure. The <br />proposed public information campaign would be a multi-track program that would <br />allow the City to provide the community with facts and to solicit input. <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that the educational campaign for the previous <br />revenue measure was performed too late to be effective, and an information campaign <br />seems to be the logical response to the results of the survey. <br />Ms. Lew reported a 63% passage rate of local revenue measures statewide. Based on <br />the survey, San Leandro voters value and appreciate their local services, and indicate <br />willingness to support the two different revenue measures. Ms. Lew added that <br />proactive community dialogue is essential. <br />Councilmember Reed agreed with Councilmember Gregory. She recalled the residents <br />that came to the Council this past year to lobby in support of retaining library services, <br />Farrelly Pool, and crossing guards, without understanding the bigger City budget <br />