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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 20D9-10 <br />Last year, the Advisory Board recommended development of a poster providing information and <br />promoting the LINKS Shuttle Services. The design and printing of the poster was not completed <br />and thus was deferred to this fiscal year's list of goals. The posters will be designed for display <br />in employee lunchrooms, employers' bulletin boards, etc. The Advisory Board recommended <br />that the information developed for the new poster also be provided in a bilingual format. This <br />year, the Advisory Board added a recommendation that an electronic informational page about <br />LINKS be developed. The electronic page would be distributed to employers where they can <br />then forward it to their employees. <br />In September 2009, the SLTMO sponsored a LINKS Ridership Appreciation Event-Having <br />Served over 1,000,000 Riders. The event took place at The North Face, a business location along <br />the LINKS route. <br />2008-09 Actual Budget <br />Expenditures for FY 2008-09 were $354,343, approximately $30,000 less than the adopted <br />budget. The decrease in program costs can be attributed to decreasing operation costs of MV <br />Transportation services as a result of the use of unleaded gasoline shuttles which are more cost <br />effective than diesel or CNG shuttles. Adherence to the operating schedule also reduced costs by <br />preventing overage in personnel wages. In addition, there was a reduction in expenses with <br />service to the Boys and Girls Club being halted in April 2009 since the Club's funding source <br />ended. The annual survey was deferred and the savings allowed for consulting services related to <br />the updating of outreach materials, including the website. <br />2009-10 Proposed Budget <br />The LINKS budget for FY 2009-10 can be found on page 5. The proposed expenditures total <br />$355,000, slightly less than $360,000 the actual expenditures in FY 2008-09. This nearly equal <br />cost is a result of the anticipated decrease in the costs associated with the shuttle operations <br />related to servicing the Boys and Girls Club, and no anticipated fuel, labor and insurance cost <br />increases. The following is a narrative of other items of interest. <br />• The Redevelopment Agency will not be providing funding for FY 2009-10. <br />• BID revenue is projected at $135,000, compared to the FY 2008-09 Actuals amounting to <br />$143,000. <br />The $75,000 award by ACCMA for FY 2008-09 operations should be received in FY <br />2009-10, along with the $120,000 award for FY 2009-10 operations. This will result in <br />higher revenue in FY 2009-10. As BID revenue and grants are not available to cover <br />expenditures incurred during the first part of the fiscal year, it is necessary for LINKS <br />revenue to exceed expenditures in order to establish a balance to pay the next year's first <br />quarter costs. <br />_ _ ___. <br />4~Page <br />