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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2010- RDA <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE USE <br />OF MONIES FROM THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING <br />FUNDS ESTABLISHED FOR THE ALAMEDA COUNTY -CITY OF <br />SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND THE WEST <br />SAN LEANDRO/MACARTHUR BOULEVARD REDEVELOPMENT <br />PROJECT AREA OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROJECT <br />AREAS WILL BENEFIT SUCH PROJECT AREAS; AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXPENDITURE OF SUCH FUNDS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT AREA; <br />AND AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF AN INTERIM LOAN FROM <br />THE CITY'S WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT (WPCP) FUND <br />AND EXECUTION OF A PROMISSORY NOTE IN CONNECTION <br />WITH SUCH LOAN <br />WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ("Agency") <br />is a redevelopment agency existing pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, <br />California Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq. (the "CRL"), and pursuant to <br />the authority granted thereunder, has the responsibility to carry out the Redevelopment <br />Plan for the Alameda County -City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project Area (the <br />"Joint Project Area"), the West San Leandro/Macarthur Boulevard Redevelopment <br />Project (the "WSL Project Area") and the Plaza Project Area (the "Plaza Project <br />Area"); <br />WHEREAS, the Agency previously approved an Owner Participation and Loan <br />Agreement (the "OPA") with Alameda Housing Associates, L.P., a California limited <br />partnership (an affiliate of BRIDGE Housing Corporation) (the "Developer") pursuant to <br />which the Agency agreed to provide predevelopment and construction/permanent <br />financing in the form of a loan (the "Agency Loan") to the Developer to assist in <br />fmancing the development of a 100-unit affordable multi-family residential project (the <br />"Project") located in the Plaza Project Area; <br />WHEREAS, the Project will be of benefit to the Joint Project Area and the WSL <br />Project Area because it will be in close proximity to such Project Areas and will increase <br />the supply of housing that is affordable to persons and households of low- and moderate- <br />income who reside and/or work in such Project Areas; <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with CRL Section 33334.2, the Agency is required to <br />deposit no less than twenty percent (20%) of all taxes which are allocated to the Agency <br />pursuant to CRL Section 33670 in a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund to be used <br />for the purpose of increasing, improving and preserving the community's supply of low- <br />and moderate-income housing; <br />133S76S-1 1 <br />