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board. He stated that there is still opposition in San Leandro and feels that anything <br />further should be postponed until the three cities have met and discussed. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Cell Site Lease <br />Tara Peterson explained that T -Mobile approached the City several months ago asking to <br />put a cell tower on the golf course adjacent to AT&T's existing tower. If the City agrees <br />to the proposed 5 year lease, it would generate about $127,000 in revenue. Tara <br />introduced Debbie Pollart who gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Cell Site <br />Lease. Debbie explained that T -Mobile is proposing 2-3 poles to replace wood poles, <br />with the equipment installed on top. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Souza asked if <br />the money had to go to the Golf CIP Fund. Mayor Santos stated that that should be <br />looked into. Debbie explained that AT&T had a 5 year lease with a 3% inflation each <br />year. American Golf has to approve the lease with T -Mobile as it is part of its lease even <br />if the poles and equipment are on City property. Debbie explained that right now this is <br />for discussion. If negotiations work out, staff will take to the City Council in early <br />January. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Senior Center Funding <br />Steve Hollister stated that the City cannot use bond funds for the furniture for the Senior <br />Center and that Engineering, Recreation and Public Works have been working to scale <br />down the furniture costs. A minimum of $300,000 is needed and there is no funding <br />source to pay for the furniture. The City is reluctant to use General Funds, but without <br />furniture, the Senior Center cannot open. Staff is recommending that Park Development <br />Impact Fees be used to fund the furniture as it appears to be a feasible funding source. <br />Steve asked the committee for a recommendation to pursue the funding. <br />Discussion ensued. Councilmember Reed stated that the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission has not made its recommendation list available yet and feels that the City <br />Council should see the list before making the recommendation regarding the funding. <br />Councilmember Souza thinks that using the Park Development Impact Fees is a great <br />option and is happy to hear that staff is moving ahead with the project. Mayor Santos is <br />not ready to make a recommendation at this time. <br />6. Public Comments <br />Lou Filipovich commented on Keith Cooke's presentation regarding the I-880 High <br />Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane project. Mr. Filipovich stated that he has a lot of <br />experience with the bridges in San Leandro and would like to comment that you need to <br />make sure you know where you've been, where you're going and how you're going to <br />get there. <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />