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SIEMPRE VERDE PARK IMPROVEMENT COMMUNITY MEETINGS <br />The City of San Leandro has several meetings scheduled; dates are on attached flier. We strongly <br />encourage you to attend any and all of the meetings. We also ask you to invite and encourage your <br />friends, neighbors and family to attend and participate. The meetings will be completely interactive. <br />The participants will be designing the park from top to bottom. Snacks will be served and Spanish <br />translation will be available. <br />This is a tremendous grant opportunity that may make Siempre Verde Park revitalization a reality. <br />Proposition 84, the statewide "Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood control, River and <br />Coastal protection Bond Act of 2006" contains a provision to provide $400 million for competitive grants <br />for local and regional parks. The funding for this new competitive grant program, known as the <br />"Statewide Park development and Community Revitalization Program of 2008", was delayed due to the <br />State's 2009 bond freeze. However, Round One of this funding has been announced, offering the City an <br />opportunity to compete with other cities, counties and districts for a portion of the initial $184,000,000 <br />in grant funding. <br />Although several sites throughout the City were analyzed; Siempre Verde was selected based on most <br />closely fitting the requirements of the grant. One of the requirements of the grant is that the site <br />location meet the criteria of having a critical lack of park space. Siempre Verde Park is located in an <br />area that meets the criteria at .35 acres per 1,000 residents within a %: mile radius of the site. Also, the <br />state requires that the project is a "grass roots" effort. Siempre Verde is a park that has had significant <br />neighborhood involvement over the past several years in looking for solutions to many problems <br />including noise, litter and inappropriate behavior. Over the years the residents have met with and <br />worked with City staff from the Police, Recreation and Human Services, Engineering and Transportation <br />and Public Works departments in helping to develop and implement strategies to make the park a safe, <br />beautiful, welcoming multi-use park. Their grass roots effort to improve the park over the last several <br />years will strengthen the community outreach and input process and, thereby the competitiveness of <br />our application. <br />In order to ensure we design the park so that it meets the needs of a diverse and changing community, <br />and, in order to strengthen our chances of receiving funding, we need as much public participation as <br />possible! We need input and participation from all park users. <br />For more information contact Carolyn Knudtson, Director of Recreation and Human Services at 577- <br />3466; or email her at <br />