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Exhibit A: Summary of proposal submitted to the California Energy Commission on December 21, 2009 <br />for the Residential Retrofit Program (SEP2J by ABAG <br /> <br />... <br />The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is collaborating with the Bay Area's eight counties to <br />establish a comprehensive residential single-family and multifamily building retrofit program (Retrofit <br />Bay Area) that leverages regional cooperation and funding while enabling autonomy at the local level. <br />The proposed ABAG program aligns with local, regional and national goals of promoting economic <br />vitality through an increase in green jobs, reducing U.S. oil dependency through increases in energy <br />efficiency and deployment of renewable energy technologies, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. <br />On behalf of 109 local governments, ABAG has submitted a proposal to the California Energy <br />Commission's State Energy Program (SEP) to request $10.75 million in American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant funds administered by the U.S. Department of Energy. This grant <br />program, known informally as SEP 2 to distinguish it from three other elements of California's SEP <br />program, runs from February 1, 2010 to March 31, 2012. The ARRA/SEP 2 grant funds would be used by <br />ABAG program participants to carry out local and Bay Area-wide consumer outreach and education <br />campaigns and workforce development activities that will accelerate demand for home energy retrofits <br />and expand the regional building industry's capacity to deliver high quality, cost-effective retrofit <br />services. The program has a goal of retrofitting 15,000 single-family homes and 2,000 multifamily units <br />in the region, and creating 1, 739 jobs. <br />Retrofit Bay Area will complement existing and planned local retrofit activities, including the Property <br />Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing districts that enable homeowners to finance energy efficiency <br />retrofits and renewable energy improvements through assessments paid via their property taxes. This <br />ABAG program will leverage and complement other local, regional and federal funding sources for <br />energy retrofits, including anticipated grant funds from the State Energy Program's Municipal Financing <br />Program (known as SEP 1) and the federal Retrofit Ramp-Up program. <br />Participant Role <br />Association of Bay Area Governments Lead, fiscal agent and contract administrator <br />Alameda County (StopWaste.Org)and Sonoma Regional tasks and local retrofit program <br />County (Sonoma County Transportation Authority) implementation <br />Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Local retrofit program implementation <br />Santa Clara and Solano Counties <br />Bevilacqua Knight, Inc., Build It Green and Regional and local implementation assistance, <br />California Building Performance Contractors Assn. quality assurance and reporting <br />a,~,. ~~. <br />Retrofit Bay Area allocates $2,831,786 to StopWaste.Org to manage specific local and regional tasks <br />through StopWaste.Org's Green Packages program. Green Packages, a green retrofit program for <br />existing buildings and landscapes in Alameda County, is supported by Alameda County and all 14 of its <br />