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FY 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan 3 March 15, 2010 <br />FY 2010-2011 Annual Action Plan <br />priorities for CDBG funds for non-profits providing social services to San Leandro residents. In <br />addition, staff conducted two (2) public meetings on January 20th and 28th, 2010, at two (2) <br />geographically dispersed locations in the City to elicit public comments (see Attachment A for a <br />summary of these comments) on what the City's housing and community development priority <br />needs and objectives should be for the next five (5) years. Priority Needs surveys were also <br />distributed via email and regular mail to the City's CDBG distribution list which includes the <br />African American, Asian, and Latino Business Councils, .community-based organizations <br />(CBOs), and Below Market Rate (BMR) property managers; via handouts available at the City <br />Hall, Main Library, and Marina Community Center; and via downloadable document on the <br />City's website to allow those who could not attend the public meetings the opportunity to voice <br />their opinions and concerns regarding the housing and community development needs of the <br />City. In all, City staff received a total of twenty (20) survey responses. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Consolidated Plan for FY 2010-2014 <br />The City's Five-Year Consolidated Plan is divided into four (4) Priority Needs: Affordable <br />Housing, Homelessness, Supportive Housing, and Community Development Needs. Community <br />Development Needs include public services, public facilities improvements, and economic <br />development. The following section provides a brief overview of the proposed needs, objectives <br />and activities in the Consolidated Plan which are summarized in Attachment B. Attachment C <br />contains the Draft FY 2010-2014 HUD Consolidated Plan. <br />Affordable Housing <br />In the Five-Year Plan, the City proposes to take several actions to address the need for affordable <br />housing in the City. The City will continue allocating CDBG funds primarily to fund fair <br />housing services. Additionally, HOME funds will be applied to potential affordable rental or <br />ownership housing projects, including new construction or acquisition and rehabilitation. <br />Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds, moreover, will be the primary funding source for <br />affordable housing during the next five years and will be used to 1) preserve affordable housing, <br />primarily through the City's Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Program, 2) create new <br />affordable housing (e.g. financing of future affordable rental or ownership housing projects), and <br />3) assist low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers through the City's First Time <br />Homebuyer Program, which offers free educational workshops twice a year to interested new <br />homebuyers and a low interest second loan for income eligible households. Furthermore, the <br />City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance that was implemented in December 2004 will also assist <br />in the production of new affordable rental and ownership opportunities for extremely low-, very <br />low-, low-, and moderate-income households primarily through private developers. Lastly, the <br />City does not administer Section 8 vouchers, but it will continue supporting the Alameda County <br />Housing Authority to maintain its current level of vouchers for San Leandro residents. <br />