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FY 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan 4 March 15, 2010 <br />FY 2010-2011 Annual Action Plan <br />Homelessness Needs <br />Homelessness remains one of the most difficult problems facing Alameda County. <br />Homelessness typically occurs due to the lack of affordable housing and/or due to insufficient <br />income as the, result of loss of employment or family illness. Mental disabilities, domestic <br />violence, and alcohol or drug addiction are also contributing factors. <br />San Leandro has traditionally used the CDBG Program to support a number of homeless-serving <br />activities, and the Strategic Plan proposes continued support for these activities over the next five <br />years. Proposed activities include operational funding for programs, specifically the San <br />Leandro Shelter, which is an emergency shelter operated by Building Futures with Women & <br />Children that provide support services for homeless women and children, and the Davis Street <br />Family Resource Center, which is a community social service agency. Also, the City proposes to <br />use CDBG funds for landlord/tenant counseling services and local funds for the City's Rental <br />Assistance Program to assist those who are at risk of losing their residence. Finally, the City <br />proposes to continue funding its pro rata share of Everyone Home administration costs related to <br />County Continuum of Care. <br />Supportive Housing <br />In addition to the homeless, there. are a variety of other sub-populations in Alameda County, such <br />as persons with physical or .mental disabilities and seniors, who need affordable housing <br />integrated with available support services. The City intends to primarily use available HOME <br />and Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds for any future transitional or permanent supportive <br />housing projects that will serve San Leandro residents with special needs. <br />Community Development Needs -Economic Development <br />Because the City funds its economic development activities mainly with tax increment revenue <br />from its three (3) Redevelopment areas, the City has historically limited its use of CDBG funds <br />for economic development. Potentially, though, if funding is available, the City may still seek to <br />allocate its CDBG funds to provide loans to eligible small businesses for property upgrades in <br />the next five (5) years. CDBG funds may also be a resource in the future if the need arises to <br />develop and implement a neighborhood strategy or plan that includes commercial revitalization. <br />Community Development Needs -Public Service Support <br />The City supports a wide variety of non-profit agencies which provide needed social services in <br />the community. In the Five-Year Plan, the City proposes to continue providing program <br />operational grants to these non-profit agency social services providers serving San Leandro <br />residents. During the next five (5) years, the types of services considered priorities for CDBG <br />funds. are likely to include social and health services for low-income women, children, and <br />families in crisis; seniors; persons with disabilities; shelter programs; fair housing; and <br />tenant/landlord counseling. In accordance with HUD regulations, the City cannot commit more <br />