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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2010-035 (1428) <br />A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE UPDATED HOUSING ELEMENT <br />AS PART OF THE SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />RECITALS <br />1. Section 65300, et seq. of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Division 1 of Title 7 of <br />the California Government Code) requires every city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term <br />general plan for the physical development of the city. <br />2. Section 65580 (c) of the State of California Government Code requires Housing <br />Elements as a mandatory element of the General Plan. <br />3. All jurisdictions in the Bay Area were required by State law to prepare Housing <br />Elements by June 30, 2009 covering the period 2007-2014. <br />4. The City initiated a Housing Element update in Apri12008, with the intent of <br />submitting a Draft to the State HCD by the June 30, 2009 deadline. <br />5. The City collected and analyzed data on housing needs, available housing sites, and <br />housing constraints, and developed updated goals, quantified objectives, policies, and actions <br />consistent with State requirements. <br />6. The City conducted three community workshops in 2008 and 2009, provided regular <br />briefings to City Commissions and interest groups, held focus groups meetings, and conducted <br />interviews with key stakeholders. <br />7. The City maintained a project website, provided on-line materials for public <br />comment, maintained an email notification list with several hundred names, prepared periodic <br />press releases, and created printed brochures about the Housing Element in English, Spanish, and <br />Chinese. <br />8. The City utilized community input in revising the Housing Element, and developing <br />revised objectives, policies, and actions. <br />9. The City's Housing Element demonstrates the City's ability to accommodate its fair <br />share of the region's housing needs through 2014, to respond to the needs of the local population, <br />and to remove constraints associated with the production of affordable housing. <br />10. In connection with the aforementioned requirements, the City submitted an <br />Administrative Draft of its Housing Element to the State HCD on June 30, 2009, and has since <br />revised the Element to incorporate HCD comments. <br />