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8D Consent 2010 0419
City Clerk
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Packet 2010 0419
8D Consent 2010 0419
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4/15/2010 11:18:34 AM
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4/15/2010 11:18:33 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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KaBOOM! Letter of Intent 2 April 19, 2010 <br />renovate Toyon Park through Measure WW funds, it was determined that any money not used on <br />Toyon would benefit the community as there are so many park project needs. <br />Due to their mission of "community service", San Leandro Rotary was contacted to see if they <br />would be interested in partnering with the City for this community build project. Rotary feels <br />this project would be a good fit for their group. They are very enthusiastic about the project. <br />On Tuesday, April 6th; City staff, the Rotary President and Rotary Chair of community services <br />participated in a 1 1/2 hour conference call interview with KaBOOM! representatives. The call <br />outlined the responsibilities of each of the groups, discussed how the process would work and <br />answered questions from all parties. At the end of the call KaBOOM! indicated that they were <br />very interested in our project and would like us to complete the next step, which is the Letter of <br />Intent. <br />Once the Letter of Intent is received, KaBOOM will present our project (with others) to the <br />interested funding sponsors. If our project is selected, KaBOOM! would notify the City and ask <br />the City to sign the final agreement, which would include the name of the funding sponsor. A <br />copy of the draft agreement is included for your review; it does not have the name of the funding <br />sponsor, as that will not be given to the City unless our project is selected. (See attachment C.) <br />If the City's project is selected, the City Council will receive the final agreement for <br />authorization. <br />If the City's project is selected, there will be a very quick turnaround time, as KaBOOM! hopes <br />to do the Design Day in June and the Build Day in September. A build date has been tentatively <br />set by KaBOOM! for September 1 lth, but that date is subject to change per the fonder. <br />INFORMATION ABOUT KaBOOM! <br />KaBOOM! is a national non-profit dedicated to bringing play back into the lives of children. <br />Here is KaBOOM!'s manifesto on play: <br />We passionately believe that play has purpose. We are driven to create a movement in support of <br />this belief. To create this mass action we do three things. We facilitate building innovative, kid- <br />inspired playspaces, using acommunity-build model which improves the well-being of the <br />children we serve as well as the communities in which they live. We create platforms and <br />opportunities for the collaborative sharing and continual improvement of knowledge and tools <br />needed for anyone to build playgrounds on their own. And we are advocates of the importance for <br />each child to have a safe and engaging place, as well as the time, to play-knowing that this <br />experience makes children happier, litter, smarter, and more socially adept and creative in the <br />here and now and in the future. <br />KaBOOM! Partners and Sponsors: <br />KaBOOM! is passionate about PLAY and so are our sponsors and partners. We are grateful for <br />their support in striving to reach our vision, a great place to play within walking distance of every <br />child in America. Our sponsors and partners have made it possible for KaBOOM! to lead the <br />creation of over 1,700 community built playgrounds, as well as inspire and teach countless <br />individuals how to build or spruce playspaces in their own communities. We are proud of the <br />
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