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ATTACHMENT A <br />KaBOOM! Letter of Intent ~ ~~ f ; ~~~!~y~~~ ,. <br />~~~;~~ <br />My signature below confirms that I have spoken with KaB00M! Client Services <br />representatives and understand that if my organization is selected for a KaB00M! project, <br />we will be responsible for the following (please initial each point): <br />Fundraising $7500 USD toward the cost of equipment <br />Participate in a KaB00M! facilitated webinar focused on fundraising within 2 weeks of <br />Design Day <br />Providing food, water, tools, a dumpster, music and restroom facilities for volunteers on <br />Build Day <br />Recruiting 50-90 volunteers from the community to participate on Build Day, and between <br />12 and 15 parents to participate in the planning process. <br />Providing land and site preparation two weeks prior Build Day to result in a flat dirt surface <br />measuring at least 2,.500 square feet. <br />Removing all existing equipment currently on site <br />Perform two utility checks during the planning process <br />Perform a soil test for lead and arsenic that is completed within two weeks of Design Day <br />Using a supervised volunteer installation <br />Accepting liability for and maintaining the playground upon completion <br />Using Playworld Systems equipment <br />Using engineered wood fiber for safety surfacing <br />Read through and approved the KaB00M! Follow Up Document <br />Signing this Letter of Intent signifies that all involved parties (including <br />person responsible for signing final Community Partner Agreement) <br />have reviewed the Draft Community Partner Agreement and are <br />prepared to sign the final Community Partner Agreement within three <br />calendar days of being chosen for a KaBOOM! playground project. <br />City of San Leandro <br />L. Hollister, City M <br />ame and Title of Person that would be sianinq the contract <br />Authorized Signature Date <br />Glyn Knudtson. nirertnr of Rerreatinn and Human Services <br />Name and Title of Main Contact Person (if different from above) <br />Signature of Main Contact person Date <br />835 East 14th Street, San Leandro CA. 94577 510-577-3466 <br />Address Phone number <br />Please sign and fax back to 202-659-0210 <br />