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ti?~triaata ale.raua~ <br />of pasn s? q~rgm °asea:r~ nays tdaaas of sn .fed sauemrisa2l <br />•iaiEm paJatiaz ttas a~ <br />ste?.taiEw alsen~ ~u?snai ~fq ~uetd aqi uni <br />of papaau ~1ra?aiaata agx~o %09 znog8 a1?s-uo aiezaua~ a~ <br />•a;Ieaane ~iuno~ apaurety aqi tregi .ta~+not o~gZ am sa~E~ mp <br />•pasn s•[ dauow putt' teiaua;~ .Lt?~ ou 'iua?~t~ns Vitas sT iuetd atu, <br />~fauoy~.cno~ .~o~an1v~ <br />•aiow cJmw at~,(~aJ ptno~ ann uo?lEZ?ulapow <br />glr~n puE °.tea~( ~iJana sari?urea OOZ` i }o siuawatmba.t .taien~ <br />gsat~ atJ1 xaaw of uonE~tu? ~o~ ~aiEm g3noua atafaaJ a~ <br />'~(Eg aqi ur ~(peaite Salem aLJ1 <br />usgi iausata sir puE deg a~Jx o~ ~uas sr ueata ann za~En~ atJl, <br />,tvg ags,{o spevrreatS <br />•,CttjEnb JalBnr <br />aansua o~ ,fop r sasfleue ,fioieioq~l Sli .nano w~o~iad a~ <br />•iEa~ e s~(ep 59£/}laa.~ E step <br />~/.(rp 8 sinotJ tii,' °.tnotJ I urtJ~?m swatgotd of puodsai a~ <br />•~ra agi~o sps?tJq-onnl uiagx.rou aqa ur <br />sassau?snq pue siuaprsai 000`0510 rea~(B suolte~ uO1II?9 8' I <br />dzp ~i.rana iaiema~sen~3o suotte~ uortt?w s mope uEala a~ <br />a~:n.~as ,fs:unucu~o~ 1p;=A ~ <br />.I,l~td"l:ci zoxsl•~o~ I~IOI.LnT~oa xaid~ xno~ .I.i"1og~ si~~a x~ina <br />.pt S ~fy <br />y tiQ City of San Leandro <br />~~, d 835 E. 14h` Street <br />~ti San Leandro CA )4577 <br />«Owner Namel» <br />«Address 1» <br />«Address2» <br />«Address3» <br />«Address4» <br />Important Notice to Property Owners About <br />Your Water Pollution Control Plant <br />Residential Rates <br />Residential rates are currently about 87~ a day, which is 28% lower than the Alameda County average. The rates are proposed to <br />rise incrementally over five years to pay for the Plant modernization, after which they may not be raised without another written <br />notice and Public Hearing. If the Plant modernization costs are less than expected-due to low interest rates, federal stimulus <br />grant or a favorable construction climate-the City Council may decide not to raise the rate to the maximum proposed. <br />Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Large Users <br />Non-residential users typically pay more than residential users because they generate more water and more pollution in the water. <br />Commercial users are charged based on the amount of water they use and the category of business they are, such as office or <br />restaurant. Large industrial users are charged based on their water usage and actual samples of pollution in the water they send to <br />the plant. Although they account For just 10°/n of total accounts, commercial and industrial users generate almost 50% of revenue <br />for the Plant. <br />1 1 , "1'1 I 1 ~ •, i' 1 1'I <br /> <br />Descripti~n.~__ ~ Current Rates 201D/tt ~ 2D11/t2 ____2D12/13_ _ ~ ___ 2013/t4 _ __~_ _ _2D1M15 <br />_. <br />-- ------------- ----- ------------- <br />- ---------- <br />Commercial <br />Auto Services $6.40/ccf $6.36/ccf $6.67Jecf $7.01/cef $7.31/ccf $7.74/ccf <br />Bakery, Wholesale $5.50/ccf $5.23/ccf $5.49/ccf $5.77/ccf $6.06/ccf $6.37/ccf <br />Laundries $4.62/ccf $3.701ccf 8/ $4.08/ccf $4.29/ccf $4.50/ccf <br />Markets/Foods $6.18lccf $6.24/ccf $6 5/ f 6.8 $7.23lccf $7.59/ccf <br />Mixed Use $5.36/ccf $5.42/ccf . 9 cf 5. $6.28/ccf $6.60/ccf <br />Restaurants $6.10/ccf $5.86/ccf $6.15/ccf lccf $6.79/ccf $7.13/ccf <br />All Other . $3.131ccf $3.04/ccf $3.19/ccf $3.35/ccf $3.52/ccf $3.70/ccf <br />Institutional <br />Schools $2.45/ccf $2.50/ccf $2.62/ccf $2.75/ccf $2.89/ccf $3.03/ccf <br />Industrial, Other Large Users* <br />Per account $4.16 $4.63 $4.87 $5.11 $5.36 $5.63 <br />Volume Flow per Million Gallons $790.00 $2,529.00 $2,653.00 $2,784.00 $2,922.00 $3,066.00 <br />BOD per Thousand Pounds $122.00 $338.00 $355.00 $373.00 $392.00 $413.00 <br />SS Per Thousand Pounds $168.95. $563.00 $591.00 $622.00 $654.00 $686.00 <br />Ccf:100 cubic feet of water used BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand tan indication of water quality) SS: Suspended Solids 'Under the proposed rate structure, the Demand Charge currently <br />billed to Industrial and Other Large Users is eliminated beginning in fiscal year 2010/11. This simplified methodology will result in uneven adjustments in the first year, and then increase to year five. <br />