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$10,000 in additional Enterprise Fund revenue. The criteria used to increase the City user fees <br />and services charges are based on a variety of criteria such as comparable fee levels in <br />surrounding cities, CPI increases, and the cost to provide some services. The members requested <br />that staff look at certain fees within the Finance, Library, Police, Public Works, and Recreation <br />& Human Services departments as they may be able to increase fees for items such as non- <br />residentpermits for block parties and group rental rates at the Marina Community Center. <br />Councilmember Prola questioned why there was a decrease in Park Facilities fees. Engineering <br />& Transportation Department Head Uche Udemezue indicated that by law these fees are <br />determined by the Engineering News Records Factor. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />3. Update on Apri112, 2010 City Council Budget Work Session <br />Finance Director Carter provided an update on items that were discussed at the April 12, 2010 <br />City Council Budget Work Session. Carter discussed Grants Receivables and the funding of <br />such grants. The City has authorized reimbursable grants for certain city projects in which the <br />City will finance through reserves and receive reimbursement. Although Carter is not asking for <br />the funding at this time, he is informing the Committee that in the future staff may be coming <br />back to the Committee for approval to finance $2.0 million from the General Fund or perhaps <br />interfimd transfers. <br />Carter informed the Committee that staff will provide the Committee with up dated estimated <br />actual revenues and expenditures for the General Fund for 2009-10 in May. Carter noted that the <br />City continues to save in salary and benefits. There are downturns in both the Franchise Fees <br />and Property Tax revenues. Although the electric dollars continue to hold steady, the gas figures <br />are down by $120,000 this fiscal year. Property Tax revenue is down by $200,000. <br />Carter provided a Sales Tax Net Cash Results for the 4th quarter in 2009 and although revenue <br />has increased, it is one quarter and does not recommend increasing the revenue projections for <br />fiscal year 2010-11. Carter also updated the Committee on the Sales Tax Revenue Measure. <br />Should the Measure pass in November, the State Board of Equalization has reported that they <br />will not implement the new sales tax until Apri12011. This will be one quarter later than hoped <br />for, should the measure pass, and therefore the potential revenue is decreased to $1 million. <br />Hollister and Carter provided further information on the fiscal impact should the Council <br />continue with their direction for staff to hold off on the recommended layoffs. The fiscal year <br />2010-11 proposed budget does not reflect the salaries of those targeted and would only increase <br />the current deficit. Although certain qualified employees have indicated their acceptance of the <br />Golden Handshake, the direction of the Council to hold off on the layoffs until after the Ballot <br />Measure could cause some employees to reconsider.. These salaries are also not in the proposed <br />2 <br />