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8K Consent 2010 0607
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2010 0607
8K Consent 2010 0607
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6/5/2019 9:35:50 AM
Creation date
6/4/2010 9:55:11 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2010 0607
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Reso 2010-067
\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2010
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limitation, reasonable fees of attorneys, consultants and experts and related costs and Landlord's costs of <br />investigating any Claims. Tenant specifically acknowledges and agrees that it has an immediate and <br />independent obligation to defend the Landlord from any Claim that actually or potentially falls within this <br />indemnity provision even if such allegation is or may be groundless, fraudulent or false, which obligation <br />arises at the time such Claim is tendered to Tenant by Landlord and continues at all times thereafter. <br />Tenant's obligations under this Section shall survive the termination of the Lease. <br />12. INSURANCE: The Tenant, and any contractors and sub -contractors making repairs, <br />alterations or improvements for Tenant, shall: <br />A. Tenant's Insurance Obligations. The Tenant shall procure and maintain during the <br />Term of this Lease at Tenant's sole cost and expense the following insurance (and increased yearly as <br />applicable), and supply Landlord certificates of insurance: <br />(1) Comprehensive or commercial general liability insurance with limits not <br />less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) each occurrence combined single limit for bodily <br />injury and property damage, including contractual liability, independent contractors, <br />sudden and accidental pollution, broad -form property damage, and shall be primary <br />coverage responding to any and all property losses related to Tenant's usage of the <br />Premises, personal injury, products and completed operations, and explosion, <br />(2) Reserved <br />(3) Reserved <br />(4) If applicable, Tenant shall procure, maintain, and show evidence Landlord <br />evidence of Workers' Compensation insurance, with Employer's Liability limits (including <br />employment practices coverage) not less than the statutory minimum. <br />(5) Reserved <br />(6) If any policies are written on a claims -made form, Tenant agrees to <br />maintain such insurance continuously in force for three years following completion of this <br />Lease or extend the period for reporting claims for three years following the completion of <br />this Lease to the effect that occurrences which take place during the contract period shall <br />be insured for the three years following the completion of the Lease. <br />(7) The Public Liability Insurance shall be endorsed to provide the following: <br />(i) Name as additional insured the City of San Leandro, its City <br />Council, councilmembers, officers and employees. <br />(ii) That such policies are primary insurance to any other insurance <br />available to the additional insured, with respect to any claims arising out of this <br />Agreement, and that insurance applies separately to each insured against whom <br />claim is made or suit is brought <br />7 <br />
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