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Reso 2010-068
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-068
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6/10/2010 5:17:43 PM
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6/10/2010 5:17:41 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8E Consent 2010 0607
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0607
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1.06. Defined Terms. <br />All initially capitalized terms (other than headings) are defined terms and will be defined in the <br />Genera! Definitions article. <br />ARTICLE 2. GENERAL DEFINITIONS <br />For purposes of this Plan, the following definitions shall apply: <br />2.01. Account. <br />"Account" means the following separate accounts maintained by the Administrator on behalf <br />of a Participant: <br />A. elective Deferred Compensation Account. <br />"Elective Deferred Compensation Account" means the account maintained by the <br />Administrator for each Participant representing Elective Deferred Compensation, <br />adjusted for withdrawals, income, expenses, and realized and unrealized gains and <br />losses attributab{e thereto. <br />B. Nonelective Deferred Compensation Account. <br />"Nonelective Deferred Compensation Account" means the account maintained by the <br />Administrator for each Participant representing Nonelective Deferred Compensation, if <br />any, adjusted for withdrawals, income, expenses, and realized and unrealized gains <br />and losses attributable thereto. <br />C. Rollover Account. <br />"Rollover Account" means the account maintained by the Administrator for each <br />Participant representing the rollover of distributions received by the Participant from <br />another plan, if any, or the direct transfer of an Eligible Rollover Distribution (excluding <br />rollover contributions from a Roth elective account) from another plan, if any, adjusted <br />for withdrawals, income, expenses and realized and unrealized gains and losses <br />attributable thereto. <br />2.02. Administrative Committee. <br />"Administrative Committee" means the person(s), individual(s) or committee appointed by the <br />Employer from time to time with authority and responsibility to manage and direct the <br />operation and administration of the Plan. <br />2.03. Administrator. <br />"Administrator" means the Administrative Committee appointed by the Employer from time to <br />time. If the Employer does not appoint an Administrative Committee, the City Manager of the <br />Employer shall be the Administrator. The Administrator may engage the services of one or <br />more third parties to assist the Administrator with the administration of the Plan. <br />2.04. Advisory Committee. <br />"Advisory Committee" means the person(s), individual(s) or committee appointed by the <br />Employer from time to time with authority and responsibility to manage and direct the Plan <br />investments. If the Employer does not appoint an Advisory Committee, the City Manager of <br />the Employer shall be the Administrator. <br />2 <br />
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