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ACTC -Joint Powers Agreement 2 June 21, 2010 <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) was created pursuant to <br />California Government Code Section 65089. A joint powers agreement, dated February 20, <br />1991, defining the roles, purposes, objectives, responsibilities, powers and duties of the CMA <br />(CMA Agreement) was approved and executed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors <br />and a majority of the cities representing a majority of the population in the incorporated area of <br />Alameda County. The CMA Agreement was subsequently amended in 1991 and 1992 to modify <br />the voting composition of the CMA Board and make certain other related changes. <br />The first half-cent sales tax was authorized by voters in 1986 and provided for the initiation of <br />the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA). The sales tax measure was reauthorized <br />in 2000 by 81.5% of the County's voters and created the Alameda County Transportation <br />Improvement Authority (ACTIA). <br />Analysis <br />Proposed New Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) <br />In January 2009, the ACTIA and the CMA initiated a study to identify service sharing and/or <br />consolidation opportunities between the two agencies. The study examined whether mission <br />critical responsibilities could be delivered in a more streamlined and cost-effective manner if the <br />two agencies operated on a more integrated basis. Another study objective was to determine if <br />there was sufficient information to allow policy makers to make a decision about whether to <br />move forward with an implementation analysis and develop a plan for a possible integration and <br />potential consolidation. A final report delivered to both agencies in July 2009 concluded that <br />there were in fact attractive opportunities for a range of service sharing and integration efforts. <br />The greatest opportunities for consolidation and efficiency improvement were in the areas of <br />financial services, administrative services and capital project delivery. A copy of the executive <br />summary of the report is attached. <br />In May 2009, a presentation made during a joint ACTIA/CMA Board of Directors meeting <br />described the opportunities for service sharing and a potential merger of operations; including <br />opportunities for cost efficiencies and estimated annual savings. The ten-year return on <br />investment was potentially very good, with up-front costs relatively minor considering the long <br />term goals and benefits. The potential for blending the two Boards of Directors into one Board <br />was examined. The initial analysis was compelling enough for the Boards to move forward with <br />an implementation analysis and plan. The Merger Implementation Plan was completed in <br />January 2010 and accepted by the joint Boards of Directors at their January meeting. An <br />Executive Summary of the plan is attached. <br />As a result of the two separate studies, both Boards of Directors expressed support for the <br />proposed merger of the two agencies and directed staff to prepare the necessary actions. The <br />new entity will have the powers of both agencies. The Boards further agreed on a new structure <br />for a combined Board of Directors (see below) and expressed support for the title of ACTC as <br />the name of the commission to be created by the JPA. <br />