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Inst 2010195830
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2010195830
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Last modified
9/13/2010 11:41:26 AM
Creation date
6/28/2010 2:59:00 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Development Agreement
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Ord 2010-007
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May 25, 2010 -Execution Copy <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of <br />~~NE ~ (o , 2010, by and between Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, a California <br />nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Developer"), and the City of San Leandro, a <br />California municipal corporation ("City"), pursuant to California Government Code <br />§ 65864 et sue. <br />RECITALS <br />A. To strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in <br />comprehensive planning and reduce the economic risk of development, the Legislature of <br />the State of California enacted California Government Code § 65864 et sue. <br />(the "Development Agreement Statute"), which authorizes City to enter into an <br />agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property regarding <br />the development of such property. <br />B. Pursuant to California Government Code § 65865, City has adopted <br />procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements <br />(City Administrative Code, Title 5 Community Development, Chapter 4 Development <br />Agreements). This Agreement has been processed, considered and executed in <br />accordance with such procedures and requirements. <br />C. Developer owns approximately 63 acres located at 1701 Marina Boulevard, <br />San Leandro, California, as more particularly described in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto, <br />and as diagrammed in Exhibit A-2 attached hereto (the "Project Site"). <br />D. Developer intends to develop the southern approximately 38 acres of the <br />Project Site (the "Kaiser Medical Center Project Site") as a Medical Center over two or <br />more phases. The first phase will consist of the largest increment of development-an <br />approximately 436,000 square foot, four to six-story, 264-bed hospital, an approximately <br />275,000 square foot, six-story hospital support building (the "Hospital Support <br />Building"), a 31,000 square foot central utility plant, a 20,000 square foot outdoor service <br />yard, approximately 2,100 surface parking spaces, and other ancillary uses ("Kaiser <br />Phase 1"). Buildout could include expansion of Kaiser Phase 1 by an additional 375,000 <br />s.£, including a 175,000-s.£, 120-bed expansion of the hospital, the construction of two <br />100,000-s.f. medical office buildings (the "Medical Office Buildings"), the construction <br />of structured parking and any associated expansion of the CUP, with Kaiser Permanente <br />retaining the flexibility to allocate buildout square footage between medical office, <br />hospital and other permitted uses, as set forth below ("Kaiser Buildout"). Kaiser Phase 1 <br />and Kaiser Buildout are together hereinafter referred to as the "Kaiser Medical Center <br />Project." <br />E. Developer anticipates selling approximately 25 acres of the northern portion <br />of the Project Site (the "Retail Project Site") at some future date to a yet unidentified <br />retail developer. The proposed zoning will allow a 387,000 square foot retail project <br />consisting of undetermined retail uses that could include large format stores, multi-tenant <br />Page 1 of 36 <br />1424669.1 Kaiser Medical Center and Retail Project Development Agreement <br />
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