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Bancroft Avenue Street Rehabilitation <br />Program. Suppl. No. 017-N <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Goal 16 -Measures to improve traffic circulation in and around the city. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />No variances are required for this project. <br />Environmental Review <br />6, 2010 <br />Caltrans Local Assistance has deemed this project a Categorical Exclusion under the National <br />Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The estimated project construction cost of $787,185 will be partially covered by the ARRA Cost <br />Savings grant of $308,115. <br />Budget Authority <br />Funding was appropriated by Budget Entry No. 12-005 and 04-009 in Account No. 150-38-319. <br />Additional funds will be provided from existing CIP Budget Accounts. <br />C~ ~~ <br />Perry C er, Interim Finance Director <br />Attachments <br />Program Supplement No. 017-N. <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Program <br />Supplement Agreement that accepts federal funding and obligates the City to complete the <br />project. <br />G:\ Admin\COUNCIL\2010\7 JUL 6\Bancro8 Street Rehab - PRG SUPP\Bancroft Ave PROG SUPP 017-N MEM.Docx <br />