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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: June 3, 2010 <br />To: Business and Housing Development Committee <br />From: Steve Hollister, City Manager <br />Via: Luke Sims, Community Development Director <br />By: Cynthia Battenberg, Business Development Manager <br />Subject: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUPPORT FOR SAN LEANDRO CHAMBER <br />OF COMMERCE PROPOSED BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOR <br />FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 <br />The City and/or Redevelopment Agency (Agency) have supported the San Leandro Chamber of <br />Commerce in their business assistance efforts as far .back as records are available. In FY 2009- <br />10, up to $46,600 in Agency financial assistance was approved. For the upcoming fiscal year, <br />staff is recommending up to $43,600 in support to assist the Chamber in implementing assistance <br />programs that serve the business community. <br />BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS <br />The relationship between a City and a Chamber of Commerce is important for both <br />organizations. The City benefits from the Chamber representing businesses, as well as from the <br />Chamber programs which provide services and information to businesses and opportunities for <br />businesses to connect. The Chamber benefits from the financial resources which enables them to <br />offer programs and services to the business community. <br />In FY 2009-10, the Agency approved up to $46,600 in support to the San Leandro Chamber for <br />their partnership in the following programs. <br />• Mayoral Visitation Program $250/visit <br />• Farmers' Market Liquor Licenses $600/season <br />• Industrial Programs $2,500/month <br />• Web-based Industrial Directory $5,000 <br />• SummitlEconomic Forum $2,500/event <br />• Map Ad $1,000 <br />Approximately $35,000 is projected to be paid to the Chamber for business assistance in FY <br />2009-10. Chamber accomplishments include an Economic Forum-Downtown Redwood City <br />Tour, Industrial Programs such as the Industrial Roundtable, visits to manufacturers and other <br />West San Leandro companies, meetings with industrial brokers, partnership in the Careers in <br />Industrial Technology program scheduled to start in Fa112010, and support of the Agency's <br />Industrial Competitiveness Program (including the Sustainability Circles). <br />