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report statement: "San Leandro has excellent location and service advantages; cities are <br />becoming more competitive in developing business attraction programs; vacancy rates in <br />San Leandro are at or below the average for competing cities in the 880 corridor". <br />- Work continued from the second quarter focusing on a key goal of the industrial program: <br />To secure cutting-edge business growth opportunities for San Leandro production <br />companies. The Chamber, partnering with the City, finalized the relationship with two <br />organizations (Natural Capitalism & New Voice of Business) and six San Leandro <br />industrial companies and started the "beta" program to train these companies' <br />owners/managers. It provides technical development services to establish sustainable <br />processes and products with a profitable return on investment. Nat Cap and New Voice <br />assist companies to catch the fast-growing trend in production requiring that they provide <br />products that demonstrate, from parts to production to end product, that the processes are <br />carried out in an environmentally sustainable manner. This initiative reflects the key policy <br />goals of the City's Climate Action Plan. <br />4. Careers in Manufacturing (On hold pending securing youth services organization sponsor.) <br />- Objectives for High School Students: <br />^ The opportunity to observe production companies in operation; <br />^ To learn directly from production employees and management what education <br />and skills are necessary for a career in manufacturing; <br />^ To learn that these careers can offer good to very high wages; <br />^ To learn that there are career ladders that lead to further skill development and <br />management opportunities. <br />- Draft program elements - "Teachable Moments" -developed by working committee of <br />Industrial Council volunteers: <br />^ Computer-aided production machinery operation; <br />^ Quality control; <br />^ Production process management; <br />^ Safety management; <br />^ Developing sustainable processes; <br />^ Workplace problem-solving. <br />- The committee has explored developing a partnership for the 2010 school year with a local <br />youth services organization to: <br />^ Work with the local high schools to establish the program and to select the <br />student participants; <br />^ Work with the Industrial Council committee to secure local company <br />agreements to participate in the program and ultimately to provide career <br />opportunities for the students; <br />^ Establish a partnership with the community college district to provide a <br />bridge for the students to get the necessary education and training.. <br />San Leandro Chamber of Commerce - 09-10 City Contract -Industrial Program - 3rd Quarter Report Page 3 <br />