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4. Redevelopment Agency Support for San Leandro Chamber of Commerce Proposed Business <br />Assistance Services for Fiscal Year 2010-11 <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg explained the relationship between a City and a <br />Chamber of Commerce is important for both organizations. The City benefits from the Chamber <br />representing businesses, as well as from the Chamber programs which provide services and <br />information to businesses and opportunities for businesses to connect. The Chamber benefits <br />from the financial resources which enables them to offer programs and services to the business <br />community. In FY 2009-10, this Committee recommended approval of up to $46,600 in Agency <br />financial assistance, for the upcoming fiscal year, staff is recommending up to $43,600 in <br />support to assist the Chamber in implementing assistance programs that serve the business <br />community (see attached memo). <br />The Committee directed the Executive Director to sign a consulting services agreement with the <br />Chamber of Commerce for up to $43,600 for activities in FY2010-11. <br />3. public Comments: None <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />Vice Mayor Reed thanked Mr. Johnson for his presentation and for the positive working <br />relationship between the City and Chamber of Commerce. <br />5. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. <br />P:\Business Development\Highlights\2010\04-8-10 BD and Housing Committee Highlights.doc <br />