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Director Bakaldin introduced the next item on the agenda -the future of the boat harbor. <br />Discussion by the Committee ensued and there was agreement that it is not possible to sustain a <br />boat harbor. As numerous studies have been completed, City staff does not recommend further <br />analysis on the viability of continuing to operate a boat harbor. <br />2a. Discussion of the Proposed Basin Alternatives Study <br />Facilities and Open Space Manager Pollart gave a powerpoint presentation which provided the <br />proposed assumptions, scope and a timeline for a Basin Alternative Study (inner harbor area; see <br />attached powerpoint slides). <br />Assumptions <br />• Funding is not available for future dredging. <br />• Motorized boating is not precluded as a future use. At a minimum the study should <br />consider vessels with low-drafts. <br />• The boat launch is to remain viable for as long as possible. <br />• Future uses of the basin shall be aesthetically attractive to the public and fit in the <br />existing and planned shoreline area uses. <br />• The alternatives should provide public access to water-related activities. <br />Scope <br />• Develop a minimum of five re-use options. <br />• Provide two to three conceptual design concepts considering basin hydrology, area <br />biological habitats, permitting and regulatory opportunities and constraints, and potential <br />recreational opportunities. <br />• Provide financial projections (capital costs, long-term costs, revenues generated) and a <br />phasing/timing schedule for the basin alternatives that are proposed. <br />Timeline <br />July 30, 2010 Requests for Proposals (RFP) will be issued. <br />August 20, 2010 Proposals will be due. <br />Early September After evaluating proposals, interview potential consultants. <br />Mid-September Identify a preferred consultant. <br />Early October Enter into an agreement with consultant. <br />Mid-January 2011 Draft study with alternatives completed. <br />Late February 2011 Final study with concepts completed. <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg stated that Kent Myers, Shoreline Development <br />Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Chairperson, would be an interview panelist for the <br />consultant selection. Cal-Coast Development has agreed to pay for one-half of the fees for the <br />alternatives study. <br />The Committee directed staff to proceed with the RFP for the Proposed Basin Alternatives Study. <br />2b. Shoreline Development CAC Update <br />Manager Battenberg explained that the Shoreline CAC met June 16th to comment on the most <br />current proposal -Discussion Plan 6. At the conclusion of the meeting, the CAC found that the <br />plan accurately reflected their comments to the developer. In September or October the <br />developer will have prepared architectural concepts for Shoreline CAC discussion. The CAC <br />