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will also review and provide comments on the Basin Alternatives Study. Results of the study will <br />be incorporated into the proposed master plan. The goal is to have a general master plan for the <br />shoreline area provided by the CAC for the review and approval by the City Council in 2011. <br />Discussion by the Committee ensued. The Committee recommended that Discussion Plan 6 be <br />displayed at the future Basin Alternatives public meetings. It also recommended that a newsletter <br />informing the citizens be prepared. Staff interjected that there is currently no funding for printing <br />and mailing newsletters Citywide, however a press release on the City's website and the local <br />newspapers can be done. Staff will discuss outreach with the developer. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if there was still Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) <br />representation on the CAC. Staff replied yes and shared that the YAC members have <br />participated. <br />Mayor Santos asked if the CAC accepted the plan including the residential development. Staff <br />replied yes the CAC had no objection to the residential component. <br />The Committee recommended that library staff be involved with the Library/Community Center <br />building. Staff stated that the Library Director has been contacted and it was still too early in the <br />process for library staff's involvement. <br />3. Public Comments -None provided. <br />4. Committee Member Comments -None provided. <br />5. Adjourn -The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. <br />P:\Committees\Ivfarina Committee\llighlights\2010\6-22-10 Marina Highlights.doc <br />