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allows for property tax increases to be allocated directly to the project area, as <br />opposed to being disbursed throughout the City and County and other taxing <br />agencies. <br />Under State of California Redevelopment Law, no funds can be trans- <br />ferred from one Redevelopment Project Area to another. Therefore, no <br />matter how many tax dollars are collected within one project area, they <br />cannot be allocated to another. Historically, though the funds are extremely <br />limited, Plaza 2 Redevelopment has had a slightly better capacity to fund <br />improvements than Plaza 1 Redevelopment. Based on the income projec- <br />tions for the Plaza 1 Redevelopment project area, future funds will only <br />cover staff and administrative expenses, i.e. there is little expectation that <br />any significant public expenditures will be available for Downtown improve- <br />ments. <br />While the tax increment financing aspect of a redevelopment project fox <br />the Downtown may not be promising, there are other benefits of Redevel- <br />opment Agency involvement, particularly the powers of condemnation, that <br />can be of great benefit in effecting Downtown revitalization. In December <br />of 1998, the eminent domain powers of Plaza 1 Redevelopment were ex- <br />tended to 2008. The City's ability to aid in building rehabilitation, renego- <br />tiation of land leases, and parking and circulation improvements is greatly <br />enhanced under Redevelopment Law authority. <br />California Redevelopment Law also allows for combining of project ar- <br />eas, where appropriate and legally feasible. Clearly, the Plaza 1 and 2 Rede- <br />velopment Project areas are integrally entwined, and neither has the tax in- <br />crement financing capabilities to affect improvements in another area inde- <br />pendently. More importantly, the market areas are substantially overlap- <br />ping, thereby providing a potential commonality of benefit to both project <br />areas if combined. <br />~ Economic Development Issues <br />There axe number of factors instrumental in jump-starting Downtown <br />San Leandro's economy and upgrading its retail activities. Understanding <br />,~ ' those factors, and the relative roles various groups play is key to affecting a <br />more vital Downtown environment. <br />The City's Role <br />The City's role is crucial out not exclusive; Ciry Council and staff sup- <br />port are essential to "telling the story" to prospective tenants of where the <br />City is heading demographically, and in assisting retailers with City approval <br />San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines October 2000 page 13 <br />