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Downtown San Leandro looking <br />,rauth, c. 1957. <br />What is this document? <br />This document is intended to provide guidance fox the future growth and <br />.development of downtown San Leandro, <br />The project area is defined as the portion of San Leandro bounded by <br />East Fourteenth, Davis, Hays and Thorton Streets (including adjacent prop- <br />erties). <br />Acknowledging that quality planning, urban design, and architecture are <br />critical to the future of San Leandro, this document is organized from the <br />general to the speciFic, starting with context and goals, and leading to spe- <br />cific design details. The recommendations are focused to promote economic <br />vitality, improve aesthetics, and provide for long-term maintenance. <br />To a large degree, a city's character and potential is reflected in its down- <br />town. In recent years, downtown San Leandro has seen many improvements. <br />The purpose of this document is to help foster this forward momentum <br />while simultaneously protecting San Leandro's historic resources. <br />page 4 October 2000 San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines <br />The downtown study was under- <br />taken in the context of other plan- <br />ning effortr. <br />